
Cypres2 & Vigil 2 Maintenance Comparison Project

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I recently sent my (2) Cypres2's for their 4- year maintenance, battery replacement, and firmware updates. On the same day, I sent in my Vigil 2 for the same services, a maintenance check, battery replacement and firmware update.

I will post the results of both.

Days service required (including shipping both ways)-

Cypres2: $
Vigil2: $

Services completed-

Additional maintenance performed on unit-

Customer service experience-
Cypres-USA (SSK):
AAD (Vigil USA):

What else?

Derek V

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UPDATE-Recieved Vigil back-

On November 26, 2014, I shipped my (2) Cypres2's for their 4- year maintenance, battery replacement, and firmware updates. On the same day, I sent in my Vigil 2 for the same services, a maintenance check, battery replacement and firmware update.

I will post the results of both.

Days service required (including shipping both ways)-
Cypres2: 26 November, 2014 -
Vigil2: 17 Days door to door. 26 November, 2014 - 12 December, 2014

Cypres2: $
Vigil2: $76.00

Services completed-
Vigil2: New battery & full maintenance.

Additional maintenance performed/required on unit-
Vigil2: Firmware update (V6.01) & new controller (V2.62).

Customer service experience-
Cypres-USA (SSK):
AAD (Vigil USA): Very quick turn around, especially since the unit must go to Belgium for maintenance checks. I wasn’t charged the 125 Euros for the maintenance, only $60.00 for battery and $16.00 for shipping.

Notes for Vigil:

The vigil firmware was updated to V6.01) so that it shuts off after 14 hours, no matter what and arms at 1000 feet above ground zero instead of 150 feet above ground zero.

Brussels, March 2013
Offer for Maintenance on Vigil II Civil
For those countries that require a scheduled maintenance, we offer the following: Description of a 4 year check-up
. 1)  Check of the original warranty Q.C. Hologram 

. 2)  Disassembling VIGIL 

. 3)  Control and Test of the Cutter Unit 

. 4)  Control and Test of the Control Unit 

. 5)  Replacement of the Battery Pack 

. 6)  Replacement of the rubber sealing ring 

. 7)  Control and Test of the Pulses Plus Element (integrated in point 10) 

. 8)  Calibration of the Pressure Sensor in the tolerance of ± 1,5 mbar 

. 9)  Upgrade of the mainboard software to the newest version available. 

10) Final operational Test (7 jumps simulation in pressure chamber Go & NoGo) 11) Assembling all vigil subparts
12) Check-Up and Test of the complete assembly
13) Analyse report
14) Service card with new silver Hologram(s)
Remark: The Vigil doesn’t need a scheduled maintenance but can be done on request for
Vigil II civil 125,-€ (Basic net price)
Condition: replacement of parts out of warranty, broken or damaged are not included Price: exclusive transport and taxes
Delivery time: ± 3 weeks from reception
Validity: 12 months
Payment: before shipping back based on the repair & maintenance quotation
Extra info: The Vigil (cutter, pulses plus, electronic) has a life expectancy of 20 years from original date of manufacture.
The battery has a minimum life expectancy of 5 years or 2000 jumps but must be replaced after 10 years from its date of manufacture.

Notes for Cypres:

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I wasn’t charged the 125 Euros for the maintenance, only $60.00 for battery and $16.00 for shipping

Why is that? Did you ask them? I mean, it could be handy to know the way of getting a free service.

"My belief is that once the doctor whacks you on the butt, all guarantees are off" Jerry Baumchen

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In my area practically everyone dumped their cypres after the 12 year expiry so it's rare to see anything but a vigil. I've sent a couple of them back for checkups and firmware upgrades over the years. I don't ever remember spending more than $100 including shipping.


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On November 26, 2014, I shipped my (2) Cypres2's for their 4- year maintenance, battery replacement, and firmware updates. On the same day, I sent in my Vigil 2 for the same services, a maintenance check, battery replacement and firmware update.

Days service required (including shipping both ways):
Cypres2: 34 days door to door. (26 November, 2014 - 29 December, 2014)
Vigil2: 17 days door to door. (26 November, 2014 - 12 December, 2014)


Cypres2: $351.25 for 2 units ($160.00 for service X 2, $13.25 for shipping, $18.00 for insurance or $191.25 for one unit)
Vigil2: $76.00 ($60.00 for service, $16.00 for shipping)

Services requested:

Cypres2: New battery & full maintenance.
Vigil2: New battery & full maintenance.

Additional maintenance performed/required on unit:

Cypres2: Firmware update (SB C2 0113 Update)
Vigil2: Firmware update (V6.01) & new controller (V2.62).

Customer service experience:

Cypres-USA (SSK): No issues, smooth process.
AAD (Vigil USA): Very quick turn around, especially since the unit must go to Belgium for maintenance checks. I wasn’t charged the 125 Euros for the maintenance, only $60.00 for battery and $16.00 for shipping.

Notes for Vigil:

The vigil firmware was updated to V6.01) so that it shuts off after 14 hours, no matter what and arms at 1000 feet above ground zero instead of 150 feet above ground zero.

Brussels, March 2013
Offer for Maintenance on Vigil II Civil
For those countries that require a scheduled maintenance, we offer the following: Description of a 4 year check-up
1)  Check of the original warranty Q.C. Hologram
2)  Disassembling VIGIL
3)  Control and Test of the Cutter Unit
4)  Control and Test of the Control Unit
5)  Replacement of the Battery Pack
6)  Replacement of the rubber sealing ring
7)  Control and Test of the Pulses Plus Element (integrated in point 10)
8)  Calibration of the Pressure Sensor in the tolerance of ± 1,5 mbar
9)  Upgrade of the mainboard software to the newest version available.;
10) Final operational Test (7 jumps simulation in pressure chamber Go & NoGo)
11) Assembling all vigil subparts
12) Check-Up and Test of the complete assembly
13) Analyse report
14) Service card with new silver Hologram(s)

Remark: The Vigil doesn’t need a scheduled maintenance but can be done on request for
Vigil II civil 125,-€ (Basic net price)
Condition: replacement of parts out of warranty, broken or damaged are not included Price: exclusive transport and taxes
Delivery time: ± 3 weeks from reception
Validity: 12 months
Payment: before shipping back based on the repair & maintenance quotation
Extra info: The Vigil (cutter, pulses plus, electronic) has a life expectancy of 20 years from original date of manufacture.
The battery has a minimum life expectancy of 5 years or 2000 jumps but must be replaced after 10 years from its date of manufacture.

Notes for Cypres:

SB C2 0113 no longer applies to these units.

In the box with the units was a small 2-page card, pages 21-1 through 21-4 of the Cypres2 user manual. It is dated January 2013. This manual insert covers:

The Speed Cypres activation speed has been changed from 43 m/p/s to 46 m/p/s. [96.19 MPH and 102.9 mph respectively]

User selectable activation altitude. [They recommend having a functional open canopy at least 1,000 feet above the activation altitude.]

This link explains what SSK does for a maintenance check on a Cypres;


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Thanks for a very informative comparison.

I wonder how the shipping of AAD's for service is going to be affected under the new UN38.3 dangerous goods regulations that come into force next week. I am pretty sure the lithium content is higher than the limit. Will be interesting to see how it plays out (currently crippling where I work - and are based in an area with NO cargo only flights) means that everything has to be road freighted to the East Coast (3-5days) before it gets onto an aircraft. Cost has literally skyrocketed.
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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In my area practically everyone dumped their cypres after the 12 year expiry so it's rare to see anything but a vigil. I've sent a couple of them back for checkups and firmware upgrades over the years. I don't ever remember spending more than $100 including shipping.


I am in the same area as you !
I feel that '' dumped '' is a strong word !

I still have my Cypres2 as many other skydivers
in that same area !
It's a choice.

I have to agree with you that it did cost me a lot more money
to have my 4th year inspection, from Airtec !
However, I was ready to pay that particular amount to have
one of the best ADD on the market.
Why Cypres2 ?
Software and hardware upgrades and info coming
all over the world, every year, to have a better unit in the future.
I still believe that certain electronic units should be verified
at a certain interval...especially a life saving unit.
Would you fly in an aircraft without its annual inspection ?
They used to compare AAD's with automobile airbag electronic sensors...
we knew that 10 years ago, 10 % of most airbags were
defective, yet today we know the number is a lot higher !

I know that Vigil is coming or already sending their new
Vigil 2 + !

Four years ago, I didn't want to have
an electronic ''machine'' in my back trying to figure out
what is going on at 43 meters from the ground,
especially with an engine failure and someone trying to open the door to the C-206 at 1000 ft... !!!

Vigil is getting smarter...
the new Vigil will now armed itself at 1000 ft !

Nonetheless, both Vigil and Cypres2 units are saving lives !
This is what is important...

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Probably a dumb question, but how do you know the Vigil successfully armed at 1000ft. Loud beeps?

FWIW I've only ever used Cypres and subscribe to the Air tech 12 year expiry philosophy. I'm not sure I'm worth it, but 'er indoors tells me I am!

I also don't believe this niche market can sustain competition without sacrificing product performance: the activation algorithms are proprietary, complex and revisions usually only happen when something fails or doesn't behave as expected.

Which, for me at least, means the longer established player gets my business.

Besides this is German engineering! Can't recall the last Dutch/Belgian car I saw (apart from DAF, which kinda reinforces my point!)


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Which, for me at least, means the longer established player gets my business.

I'll sell you a KAP 3 AAD for only $1000. Been around a lot longer than the cypres. Just because a product has been around longer doesn't make it better. If that were the case, technology would never improve because nobody would buy the new products. There's a reason I'm typing on this Toshiba laptop instead of my old Headstart by Vendex desktop PC. Sometimes newer products are improvements on old designs and sometimes one manufacturer insists on sticking with something just because it's what they have always done. Successful businesses fail because of that mentality. I'm not saying the Cypres isn't a good product. It is. I just don't think it's fair to discount other AADs just because they are newer.

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KAP 3? Sorry, never heard of it.

But if it's like an FX, then I should have made it clear I was meant only ballistic cutters like Cypres, Vigil (and the other company whose name I've forgotten), not those (very) old pin pullers.

I'm just not interested in new cheaper life-saving gear...

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KAP 3? Sorry, never heard of it.

But if it's like an FX, then I should have made it clear I was meant only ballistic cutters like Cypres, Vigil (and the other company whose name I've forgotten), not those (very) old pin pullers.

I'm just not interested in new cheaper life-saving gear...

KAP-3 was developed in Russia , in the '50 !
It was a main AAD, a mechanical pin-puller... and fairly reliable, tough and loud, you could easily hear the mechanism !
I believe ( ? ) that they were also called PPK 3 !

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I recently sent my (2) Cypres2's for their 4- year maintenance, battery replacement, and firmware updates. On the same day, I sent in my Vigil 2 for the same services, a maintenance check, battery replacement and firmware update.

I will post the results of both.

tried the same, but the Vigil came back twice "undelivered" [:/]
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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***I recently sent my (2) Cypres2's for their 4- year maintenance, battery replacement, and firmware updates. On the same day, I sent in my Vigil 2 for the same services, a maintenance check, battery replacement and firmware update.

I will post the results of both.

tried the same, but the Vigil came back twice "undelivered" [:/]

This would likely mean that you made an error of some kind in the shipping procedure. Or are you trying to blame Vigil for this?
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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