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The chop was strange in a way for me. It was my first jump on a 230, and after a standup landing the 218 reserve, the 230 is no big deal! The reserve was a very good experience for me. Like you said, it boosted my confidence big time. Plus, I got the dreaded first one out of the way early. No matter if the next one is on the next jump or in ten thousand, I'll be much better prepared when it happens again. I can still hear the sound of the rings letting go! Thanks...
Burn the land and boil the sea,
You can't take the sky from me.
You can't take the sky from me.
piahenzi 0
Premature Toggle Fire/Spinning XF Openings: I have the same problem on my XF2, 99 - the toggle fire causes a severe spin and sometimes ( as in last weekend) caused line twists - could not recover with harness and risers before it went there - managed to get out of the line twists but it was pretty hairy and I was close to chopping - AGAIN !! This happens a lot and I have new Sunpath risers and a new canopy. I check the brakes again right before stowing the risers into the container as the top tab does seem to slip out some during packing. I hate worrying every time it's pull time that I am going to end up in a dive/spin/mal on opening. Makes for stressful jumps. Anyone have any ideas?
Have no doubt about it.
Way to go.
And as for the beers.....thats out of the can drink someone elses from now on to make up for it....
Plus you learnt a whole lot about decision making, the mechanics of a cutaway, and riding and landing a reserve. All of which adds to your experience level and will serve you well in the future.
You've also done something that a lot of people with more experience than you probably haven't done found out how you react to an unusual situation....there's quite a few jumpers out there still wondering what it will be like....
Take some confidence from your experience.....
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