
Sabre1 170 to Sabre2 150 - what to expect?

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Hi guys, looking for opinions. I'm on 80 jumps, 20 or so on the 170.

Currently jumping an 18 year old Sabre 1 - 170 at wingload 1.08.
The rig came with a very new Sabre 2 - 150 (wingload 1.22).

Is this going to be an easy downsize, whilst it's a smaller canopy, I guess it will flare much stronger and I'm told will be a much nicer canopy.

Should this be a quick downsize, or will the 150 still be alot more challenging that the 170....anyone jumped both the sabre 1 and 2 and can give me a mini comparison?


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I just made that same downsize, though my wingloading went from a .75 to about a .89, so not nearly the performance that you're looking at. I started on the Sabre1 170 at jump 17 and moved to the Sabre2 150 at around jump 85.

My openings on the Sabre2 are very slow. My deployment altitude is always a bit lower than I expect based on pull altitude. I'm adjusting where I pull. The end cells are almost always closed on the Sabre2. I have to pull on the rear risers to get them open before I do anything else. It glides like a beast. You will have to adjust your landing pattern because you fly forever across the ground with that thing compared to the Sabre1. Landings are faster, but flare is more powerful.

On a side note, I had my first spin-up on it the other day and was about 2 seconds from cutting away. Slightly wrong body position to induce a line twist and it just spins right up without stopping! Scary. Just as I went to cut away, it quit and I kicked for all I was worth and got out of the twists. So, beware your body position on opening and beware that if it does start to spin up, it's really really going to spin up on you.

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A word on wingloading.

A good rule of thumb is stay under/at 1:1 WL till 100 jumps, then add .1 for each 100 there after.

I would not advise going to 1.22 Wl at 80 jumps.

I have somewhere near 1000 jumps on the original Sabre loaded from 1.18 to 1.6. The Sa2 will turn faster. Do yourself a favor, jump the shit out of the Sabre 170 before you downsize. The Sa2 will have a nicer flare, but it will turn you into the ground if you don't know what you are doing.

Trust me, broken ankles suck.
50 donations so far. Give it a try.

You know you want to spank it
Jump an Infinity

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