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I could kill my mother right now!!!!!!!!!!!!>:( she just came into my room and said "I need the car and your labor tomorrow" She wants to fucking rip up the damn driveway and then use quickecrete and damn walkway brick form>:( GODDAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!! I told that i had to deliver two pics to customers tomorrow and that me starying isn't possible. She said well your just going to have go and deliver your pics and then turn right around and come home >:( >:(>:(>:(>:( BITCH!!!!!!!!!!
i have to go put chunks of concrete in a dupster now so i will see yall later. Pray for me b/c i am really pissed off right now and i might do somthing stupid.
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver

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For one thing it not her drive its my grandma's and second its not a patch job we are redoing the whole fucking thing by ourselves!!! b/c my mom is to damn cheap to pay someone else to do it right!! i keep trying to tell her that if you do it cheaply you will have to keep redoing it but if you spring for quality it will last alot longer and in this case you won't have to shit!! But she is the biggest penny pincher in the whole world and ALWAYS takes the cheap way out even if she knows it means alot of uneccary work which she usely gets me and my brother to do!!!
as for getting my own place I can't get a job to pay for it b/c if i do my grades suffer bigtime (proved that in high school and that was alot easier)
but its all good i will sneak a jump in right when i get there b/c if i don't jump this weekend and get somekind of release before i have to come back and deal with this bullshit if anybody is down at Otay and hears a blood curdling scream thats me undercanopy letting a shitload of steam go.
and if your telling me you have never called your mom a bitch your lieing b/c everyone has been this pissed at there parents at one time in there life.
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver

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spec i tried that when i was a little kid it didn't work she just made me do it over until it was done the way she wanted it. i have learned that the only way to get of somthing like this is to prove her way of doing it is wrong and thats damn near imposible!!
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver

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I know what you said on a public forum and you got the response you deserve based on the information you gave on the forum. If you want me to shut up then don't post your private affairs on a public forum.
I won't involve myself in your private matters anymore so this is all I'll have to say. I honestly hope help your Mother with a smile especially if you really don't want to be there. The rewards will be great!
Bleau Skies
What I do know is that you have said you live at home, you can't afford to move out, you have gone through AFF and you are ordering a new rig.
In my mind that makes you an ungratefull little shit!!!
I have 5 kids ages 12-21 and I know the me generation all to well.
Live off parents and play with your own money. If I'm wrong I'm sorry but as I said based on the information you provided in a public forum you got an honest public answer.

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i think its a bit unfair to judge us all im curently in full time school and full time work isnt an option isnt an option i pay for everthing i want haircuts, school shoes etc i have borrowed money off my parents and im currently paying them off but its pretty hard on $100 odd dollars a week when i do have other expenses to pay as well eg phone. due to this i havnt jumped for a couple of months. im sorry if your kids have shafted u but its not fair to judge me as the 'me generation"

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i am not ordering a new rig i don't know where you got that from!! and just b/c i want one day out of a full week of school and staying up till 2 in the morning helping my grandpa (he is 98 1/2 and will probly die within a year) pee makes me an ungratful shit?? do you know what its like to watch a person you love fall apart right infront of your eyes?? Do know what it does to me?? I already had to that once with my other grandparents when i was a freshmen in high school He had liver cancer and went from a healthy 200lb Retired Marine Major to a shriveled 80lbs man when he finally left this world. then my grandma died The day that school ended and i was supposed to leave to go see her. Do you still think i am an ungratful shit for wanting one day off??
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver

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I think you're handling the difficulties life has put your way admirably well. I also understand a bit better because you and I have had long conversations. It is hard for someone else to understand without knowing you the way I do.
I think that once Cloud9 reads your last two posts, he will understand a bit better. And I also think he gave great advice: do it with a smile (you will, I know you well enough to know that you will). Know that someday, you will have different choices, and that right now, you have a job as a son and a grandson that most people have not experienced.
You will make it through, and you will be able to get the time to yourself that you want. Until then, make the best of it, smile (you do have a great smile), hug your mom and hug your grandpa. Know that the pain will change, lessen and fade, and you will have new challenges to meet. And if you practice meeting them with a smile, it does go easier (remember freefall and smiling in the air?).
Ciel bleu-and hang in, sweetie. You'll make it through.
"What of the dreams that never die? Turn to your left at the end of the sky".
~e e cummings~

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you said it HAWK. Michele is great with words and knows what to say and when. Sometimes I dont agree with her, but hey, whatever right??
However with you Viking......I admire you for being able to help out with your grandpa and your mom, go to school, skydive and work. Man, I truely dont think that I could do that. Keep it up and it will pay off 10-fold in the end!! :)--------------
Boogie pics coming!!!

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Michele if i wasn't so far away i would give you the biggest bear hug and plant a big sloppy wet one on ya :)thanx again.
and as for smiling in freefall i wouldn't be suprised in the least if i broke into tears tomorrow.
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver

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Sounds like your sexual frustrations are or being channeled and effecting your day to day life.
For starters kid, listen to the opposite sex who are also mothers.The individual you currently refer to as" BITCH" is obviously attempting to enstow responsiblities and character in that young and experience mind of yours.
If such a simple shore as a little construction work frosts your pickle maybe you should consider looking at it in a different way i.e.
If your are successful and God forbid even do a good job of this minor shore without whining you might yes just might aqcuire a tad bit more of self esteem with yourself and save us adults from listening to a mere child!
We all had to grow up and some of us unfortunately had to do it with out a Mum through some of that part of out lifes.
The owner of this site goes to great extents and efforts to supply us skydivers (yes kid this is a skydiving oriented site not a Pubic Wish I May Wish I Might site) with contacts and advice to improve the sport we love...what you were thinking to waste space condemming your mother and highlighting what a child you are only enforces one thing in my mind.
When I come to Perris in December to jump and share the hard earned spare time of the people who also contribute or enjoy this site you wont be one of them.
You ..in my books do not have a grasp on the responsibilities nor maturity some of us take for granted we all have to jump out of an airplane with.
Your Ma would wash your mouth out with soap if she knew what you referred to her as.
Some of us are still growing up but at least we can rest assure we have the respect of others and thier trust.
You sure as hell don't!
Give yer Ma a hug

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C'mon gang! No one here has gotten pissed at their folks for making them mow the lawn, paint the house, etc. etc.?
Did I call them names when talking to my friends? Yep. Did I grumble? Yep. Did I do what they asked me to anyway? Yep.
I just got the impression that he was venting.
"I know the pieces fit. 'Cause I watched them fall away..."

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do you know what its like to watch a person you love fall apart right infront of your eyes??

So if you have someone you love and loves you so much it hurts when they're sick, and its tourture when they die. You are one lucky, lucky person. I'll never know what its like to loose a parent or grand parent.
My parents had 3 kids and didn't want us. We grew up in seperate foster homes. I went through many different homes from the age of 5-17 My last year of High School I lived in a screened in summer house in a New Jersey winter. I had a sleeping bag. At age 17 I joined the Marine Corps, so I would have a job and place to live. If you already have those things then I would work like hell to keep them. You should see what the Marine Corps expects for room and board.
I'm not judging your whole being only what you said on a public forum. I know you were looking for some sympathy or just venting. But you don't always get what you expect from the public in general. So do I still think your an ungratefull shit? I'll leave that judgement for you make.

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I wasn't really referring to everyone that lives at home or even everyone your age. This is referred to as the me generation by the experts (if there is any such thing).
My kids didn't hose me. I do have two in college and two in High School.
Just this weekend I asked all of them to make sure they were here Saturday morning because the house needed cleaning and Their Mom and I could use some help. The only one that did not throw a fit was the 12 year old. The rest were just way to busy. One even went so far as to say I just did the dishes a couple of weeks ago. We have a dish washer.
So if you live at home and help out with chores, and don't just use the place like a free Hotel. If you respect the fact the dishes, the food, the yard work, and the cleaning don't happen through some magic trick. Then I wasn't talking about you and I commend you for your efforts to better yourself, through education. I know its not easy I had to keep a full time job, and my own place and go to school. I know how hard it can be. All I'm saying is appriciate the things that are done for you, but more importantly recognize the things that are done for you..
Besides I turned 47 yesterday and I'm old, its my job to criticize young folks and point out how great the world was in my day! :)

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Besides I turned 47 yesterday

Happy belated birthday!

and I'm old, its my job to criticize young folks and point out how great the world was in my day!

Heh. I'm 36 & I feel like a geezer at the DZ.

You young whippersnappers don't know how good you have it!
Why, when I was your age we didn't have airplanes to jump from! We jumped off of stepladders with pillowcases and we were grateful!
"I know the pieces fit. 'Cause I watched them fall away..."

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Morning, Cloud9
Happy Birthday, a day late.....If I were there, I'd have baked you a cake to celebrate. And here's wishing many, many more, all celebrated in the sky, in flight, with a smile!!!!! :)ciels-
"What of the dreams that never die? Turn to your left at the end of the sky".
~e e cummings~

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