
Insurance company

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Your profile says you're Chinese, but living in Vancouver. I'm going to assume you mean Vancouver BC. Most Canadians I know use CAA travel health insurance for southern trips. It does not have a skydiving exception, unless you are jumping professionally. I'm not sure if coverage for as long as 4 months is available though. But that's where I'd start looking. Even if you don't have a car, the price to join CAA is low enough and the insurance cheap enough to make it worth joining.

If you mean Vancouver, WA. I've got nothing for you.
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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He might be Chinese citizen only. Why display a different flag, then?

Bad thread drift.... I'm not Japanese and have the Japanese flag here because it's where I jump. Different people seem to have interpreted the use of the flags differently.

"So many fatalities and injuries are caused by decisions jumpers make before even getting into the aircraft. Skydiving can be safe AND fun at the same time...Honest." - Bill Booth

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If you live in BC why do you have a chinese flag?

As my CBC (Canadian-born Chinese) friend says, (add the stereotypical accent in your head), "What Canada? This New China!"

"So many fatalities and injuries are caused by decisions jumpers make before even getting into the aircraft. Skydiving can be safe AND fun at the same time...Honest." - Bill Booth

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Hongcouver is my wife's hometown and was my home for a while.

I am not chinese, but when I put what country I live in that's what it chooses...

In his profile it says Vancouver, China... I don't think that place exists...

Thread drift is the best drift.

Does MSP cover skydiving?

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So many Vancouverites hold dual-citizenship ..
Maybe 1/3 of Vancouverites were born in the province of British Columbia.
Entire neighborhoods in Vancouver only speak Cantonese or Mandarin or Punjab or Tagalo ...
Even I moved here after growing weary of Quebec winters.

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