
What's yours?

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It was a black and grey Fury 220, loaded about .77. Why? Cuz with the Racer container and 24' round it was only $900 and that's what I could afford at the time. Back then nobody at the dz I was at loaded anything over 1.0... there was one guy that came through once in a while who jumped a Blue Track, we all thought he was nuts.
pull and flare,
What would Scooby Doo?

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I got a Triathalon 175 loaded at 1.2, but I recieved constant feedback and did 10 jumps on a 190 before getting the 175. I really just ended up getting a really good deal. Then I jumped the Triathalon for about 100 jumps and got a cobalt 150. Now I have about 400 jumps and am jumping a cobalt 135. Just goes to show how much canopy coaching can help. I had people like Tony, who jumps the cobalt 65 giving me advise the whole way.
michael hunt (yes, that is my real name...and i've heard them all)

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Triathlon 190 loaded at about 1.1 : 1
I bought it because it came in the used rig i bougth everything had under 100 jumps and was a great deal so went with it. Still have it, put about 60 jumps on it so far. MAybe we should add this to the question.
WHat size is your reserve.
Mines a Tempo 170
Blue Skies
"When they say jump you say how high" RATM

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230sqft stratocloud, loaded at .76 so worn out it had about the same porosity as a bedsheet. Came with black and red Wonderhog and a 23' pioneer round that I got to try out when I was thinking about buying the thing. Got the whole setup for $400. <---see some things were good about the old days!!!!!!
If your not on the edge, you can't enjoy the view!

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first canopy i brought was a spectre 135 loaded at 1:1
I started jumping it on # 61

10 jumps on a Navigator 200 ( .70:1)
10 jumps on a spectre 190( .72:1)
7 jumps on a spectre 170 ( .8:1)
12 on a spectre 150 ( .9:1)
got hurt... didnt jump for 7 weeks
12 jumps on a spectre 170 ( .8:1)
1 jump on a micro raven reserve 150 :)4 more on a spectre 150 (.9:1)
7 on a spectre 135 (1:1)
I also did a lot of hop and pops from 13'5 and when i couldnt get that high i did hop and pops from any where between 7 grand and 5 grand. Since eloy ive been breaking off and pulling high on almost every jump unless im doing a 3 way or bigger.


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