
BoneHead--Rider's Rage

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Is this a totally new helmet? Just saw it off their site, talk about sweet! You can even get it with small fins or spikes on the back, I think I just found the helmet that I'm going to buy...
"ahhhhoo...the little guy hasn't done anything yet and you know its going to be good..."

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I think I found my new helmet!! I emailed them for more info on the Riders Rage.. BUT I also found one I want..
Military Helmet
Features: Interchangeable Liners
Low Profile
Optional Bayonet Receivers
Lightweight Carbon Fiber / Kevlar Blend 1.5lbs

I think the bayonet would be killer for those times others get in your way under canopy or in freefall.. specially those who tend to steal slots on dives ;) just gut'um with your bayonet and your slot is clear for the taking...
[disclaimer] Everything I said about the slot stealing is a joke..take it that way.. you no good bottom feeding slot stealers...[/end disclaimer]
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Yeah, I was kinda thinking it was for riding. It could probably be adapted. Now if it is a good idea? not sure. Dave, call Bonehead, you will probably get Jeanie. I just talked with her on my batrak and d-box. Very very helpful. She is the one that came up with the idea of using a 110 d-box for a pc-1.

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any inside scoop???

It rocks. You'll be able to use the MIndwarp top mount on it, and side mount a dBox, and it really is low profile. I can see people using for both RW and freeflying. Can't say much more than that right now...
pull and flare,

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I am not talking about BONEHEAD COMPOSITS I think I will change the new guys name too - I was going to call him Bonehead. But seeing how Jeanie is so very nice in real life and wont answer my email. I will let it go and name him.......
Jumpbubble, or Tony suits, or Tad, or
poot, I need a name before the 11th.... he is ultra small for freeflying and is a Pomeranian, black and white of course.
Meanwhile I am taking a kitten out... Thats right a kitten.... I am going to buy a bubble gum machine and use the bubble to put the cat in. -cat named JumpBubble.... need jumpsuit to go with it...HINT
Ann ~ www.AirAnn.com
Owner of recent pictures of Levin in RW suit.. :o

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sorry to disapoint ya dude, but bayonet recivers on a military ff helmet are for the o2 mask conection points (also called bannana clips)....... yey it would be cool to have bayonets on your helmet but just think what would happen toa riser slap against one....bye bye riser.......

"i may not go to heven, i hope you go to hell"-C.C.

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