
Factory diver question

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I have heard great things about the factory diver helmet. Only thing I keep hearing is the visor fogging up (winter jumps) or during canopy flights. I see some people jump it with out the visor. Has anyone that tried the newer version seen any fogging issues? I have tried it on and love the helmet but never gotten a chance to jump one. Just want to get some feedback from people who have used it before I go put some money on it.

Blues ones,

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I don't know if I have newer or older version, probably the older, but I never had fogging issues. What happened was that I'd keep the helmet on my head, and some moist warm air would fill the helmet. Then after exiting the moisture would freeze on the visor providing zero visiblity. It however always cleared, either when I got low enough in freefall that it wasn't freezing anymore, or during winter after I was under canopy.
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I got mine in 2010, not sure if that would be considered old or new. I love mine! I have never had problems with it fogging up.

I think the key is breathing technique... in through the nose, out through the mouth. If you hyperventilate while under canopy it might not be the one for you. :D

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I have one and use it with the visor out. The visor for this helmet is a real pain in the ass. If you jump anywhere where the weather gets cold it will fog up no matter how well you breath.

That being said I really like jumping with it without the visor. you get most of the protection offered from a full-face with the openness of a open-face.

overall I would not recommend it over a helmet with a visor that can open and close.
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