
Some questions for you Americans about the election

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It means Federal Judges will be appointed. More of them will be the type of judge that enforce the law as written.

The judges will be there long after the administration changes.

Contructionist judges mean that the legislators have to write down the law in plain language and pass it. Then the constructionist judges will enforce the law as the legislators have constructed it. Laws will "mean" what they "say". I think that's important. A "STOP" sign should mean Stop, and not be open to interpretation.

Otherwise, not much will change, not really.

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I don't care who you vote for.....but here's something to keep in mind :)

To be a Democrat, you have to believe that ….

1 The AIDS virus is spread by a lack of funding.
2 Trial lawyers are selfless heroes and that doctors are overpaid.
3 Global temperatures are affected more by a suburban soccer mom driving an SUV than by documented, cyclical variations in the brightness and intensity of the sun.
4 Guns in the hands of law-abiding Americans are more of a threat than nuclear, chemical and biological weapons in the hands of Saddam Hussein.
5 Businesses create oppression and government creates prosperity.
6 Self-esteem is more important than doing anything to earn it.
7 There was no art before federal funding.
8 The NRA is a bad organization because it stands up for certain parts of the Constitution, but the ACLU is a good organization because it stands up for certain parts of the Constitution.
9 Taxes are too low but ATM fees are too high.
10 Standardized tests are racist, but racial quotas are not.
11 ANY change in the weather is proof of global warming.
12 National wealth is determine by what we consume, not by what we produce.
13 The only wars in which America should become involved are those in which our national security is not at risk.
14 Perjury and obstruction of justice are impeachable if a Republican president commits them but a harmless, private matter if a Democrat president commits them.
15 America can have a strong military without spending money on it.
16 The way to improve public school is to give more money and power to the very people who have misused that power and money to destroy the public schools.
17 Hunters and fishermen do not care about the environment but pasty-faced activists that rarely venture out-of-doors do.
18 A bureaucrat living in Washington, D.C. can make better decisions about how to spend the money that you earn than you can.
19 Being a movie or television star qualifies you to speak out on public policy.
20 Hillary Clinton is a wonderful example for young women of feminine independence even though she has never accomplished anything worthwhile without riding on the coattails of her husband.
21 A handful of religious whackos living in rural Texas are more of a threat to public safety than Islamic terrorists who wish to plant bombs in major American cities.
22 Passing new laws are a much better way to curb crime than enforcing the existing ones.
23 Tax cut are for people who don’t actually pay income taxes.

Awright, guys, you don't have one, so don't act like one

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19 Being a movie or television star qualifies you to speak out on public policy.

I don't think quite all democrats are like this, but it does describe some liberals rather well. The only thing I think you need to change is that :
19 Being a movie or television star qualifies you to be and authority on public policy and life in general.:P

I intend to live forever -- so far, so good.

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Almost makes me wish I could be part of the system, so that when some dimbulb celeb showed up to "testify" to my committee, I could rip 'em a new one and send them packing back to Hollyweird.

"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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By all estimates at least 40 percent of the country still believes he's not doing the right things

I think you need to check your stats or stop watching CNN. Most polls show his job approval rating in the high 60's to low 70's.


In a nutshell? The rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer. This would have happened anyway, but will happen now at a greater magnitude and faster pace.

This is complete bullshit and a typical democratic tactic: Scare the old people and the minorities. Obviously yesterday's election shows this tactic isn't as effective anymore. I would suggest the Democrats come up with a new strategy, and fast.


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By all estimates at least 40 percent of the country still believes he's not doing the right things

I think you need to check your stats or stop watching CNN. Most polls show his job approval rating in the high 60's to low 70's.

That probably doesn't mean that they think that a Republican majority down the line is a good thing for the country -- some people DO think we're at war here, and just about everyone likes a good butt-kickin' (if we could just find that butt to kick). So they approve of the job the president is doing, without necessarily thinking that every word that comes from his mouth is a revelation of truth, beauty, justice, and wisdom. :P

I think the 40% is based on the number of people who voted against Republican candidates, or maybe a reflection of the number of elections which went Democratic (the last presidential election proved that it's the winner that counts, and not the number of votes cast on each side).

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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To follow in the grand tradition of The Onion, here's the equal-time opposite viewpoint:

To be a Republican, you have to believe that ….

1. The AIDS virus targets only bad people.

2. Global temperatures and CO2 may be going up at the same time, and CO2 may be a strong greenhouse gas, but the two cannot possibly have anything to do with each other.

3. Even asking someone to wait a day before buying a shoulder-launched missile is an outrage that will prevent him from defending and feeding his family.

4. Businesses create prosperity; any laws that protect people over businesses cause recessions.

5. Art is stuff that comes from a museum in France somehow and ends up on my wall.

6. Taxes are too high, but kickbacks to big business are too low.

7. Racial profiling is just fine, and indeed necessary for national defense, as long as we exclude the innocent white middle-class males from any such profiling.

8. We need to limit the effect of the lunatic environmental activists on politicians, as long as companies can contribute as much as they want to a candidate.

9. Poor people shouldn't figure into any estimates of national wealth. They're shiftless, so count only the real people and businesses.

10. Drug use is a personal, private affair for republican presidents, but a public issue for democratic presidents.

11. Diplomacy is a poor substitute for a good war with lots of media coverage and cool videos of smart bombs.

12. People who report on civilian casualties during wars are traitors.

13. The best way to make schools better is to cut their funding, get rid of teachers and close schools.

14. The best way to improve science scores and create brilliant biologists and genetic engineers is to teach that god made us this way and don't ask any questions about it.

15. The environment is just this annoying thing that creates mosqitoes, and we're better off without it.

16. If you run a massive energy corporation into the ground and create a huge energy crisis, you're qualified to create national energy policy.

17. Women are great as long as they know their place.

18. Only crazed Islamic Arabs can hurt us; Timothy McVeigh was probably really an Arab.

19. Tax cuts really only apply to the wealthy.

20. If we pass laws that ensure CEO's become wealthy, that will somehow trickle down and even make the kid in the mail room wealthy.

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By all estimates at least 40 percent of the country still believes he's not doing the right things.

Mr. Quade, I'm curious.... you mention 40% and I take that as "40% that voted" rather than "40% of the population". Is that a fair question?

The shitty thing I find about MOST (if not all) democratic countries elections is that there appears to be an enormous amount of people who choose NOT to vote either out of ignorance to the importance of their voice or because they feel 'none of the above' (see threads on smear tactic campaigning) is the best option and choose to capitulate to the 'general will of the people'....

Certainly better than a dictatorship (listen up S.Hussein et al), it bothers me that if you take the aggregate of votes cast you would likely find those in power were voted in by a distinct 'non-majority' (VERY different from 'minority' in Formal Logic). As such, you might argue that "our" governments are run by 'special interest groups' rather than by 'the people' - and we all like to believe 'our' representatives were installed by 'the us'... yet it may not be that way.

When our countries broke away from the British Empire lo those many score ago I bet our forefathers never thought we'd get to the point where apathy would actually 'rule'. Please tell me I'm wrong... Naah, I don't really care :P (that's a tongue in cheek for the uninitiated to my warped sense of humour). "I" haven't missed a vote since I've been elligible and I'd like to think most on this list have not either.

Whatever the final tally in "your" countries' election, I hope each end every one of you can say 'yes, I voted my conscience and belief' whatever that belief may be. Without that belief, what IS democracy?

Peace and Prosperity (...oh ya, and Blue Skies....B|)


Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)

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19 Being a movie or television star qualifies you to speak out on public policy.

Like Ronald Reagan and Charles Heston?

They may have been stars, but no one can accuse either of them of being actors.;)
Shit happens. And it usually happens because of physics.

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I'm happy to see the country swinging to the right. It's a good day. I think this is backlash from "The Clinton Era" and 9/11. Couple those things with the current economic down turn and I think people in general may be getting a clue. B|

In all fairness, he did get all the pesky sexual harrassment laws voided. ;) The NOW doesn't even pursue them if you are a democrat.

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In all fairness, he did get all the pesky sexual harrassment laws voided

Dude....Bill wasn't having sex!!!! Just ask him!!! :D

That's true. I'll bet the conversation with Monica was a little one-sided too. ;) The conversation is what got Clarence Thomas in trouble. He was telling dirty jokes, like a lot of adults do, and since he was Republican, he was evil and needed to be punished.

I'll bet that skanky Chelsea is a confused date.
"No, I don't have sex on the first date."
"But this isn't sex. Remember what your dad said?"
"Oh, ok then."

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: Letterman Top Ten

Top Ten Signs President Bush Is Getting Cocky
10. Didn't even try to hide fact he voted 5 times yesterday
9. Claims he has a plan to "tax poor people back to the Stone Age"
8. Instead of the United States Marine Band, now travels with the Foo Fighters
7. Encouraging his daughters to drink more in public
6. On CNN, referred to Tom Daschle as his "bitch"
5. Three words: Presidential Rally Monkey
4. He's been mispronouncing bigger words lately
3. Told Secret Service agent, "Go ahead -- punch me in the stomach"
2. Screams "Boo!" at Dick Cheney
1. He just gave Monica a call
Speed Racer

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"1. He just gave Monica a call "

After a while, when Clinton would come on tv and talk, it was just "whatever..." and change the channel. He got so far past the credibility point that you didn't even care to hear his voice. It didn't matter what he said anymore.

He and Monica had individual joke website links.
"lightbulbs jokes, Clinton jokes, Monica jokes,..."

The only people that the Secret Services watches are Monicas father and ex-Rangers. Everyone couldn't care less.

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I really hope we don't judge the effectiveness of our President simply on his ability or lack of pronunciation skills. Talk to any speech therapist, they will tell you that pronunciation skills have nothing to do with intelligence.


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