Cypres vs Vigil: Offsets

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Did some searched but didnt find anything other then people arguing about diving computers and how their Argus are the best so i figured i would post this.

Im planning a trip to Hollister this summer and am also in need of a new AAD. To this end ive been ready about the differences in their function and have some questions from those that have had to use offsets.

After reading both manuals it seems that a Vigil2 will keep what ever offset you add to it regardless of what alt you land at. However a cypres will take the first offset and then adjust itself so that that landing zone is now zero once you have landed.

At the specified DZ the plane takes off 450 ft LOWER thing the landing area. Does this mean that as i will be at the packing area for longer then 32 sec that the cypres will reset its ground altitude to there and i will have to add this offset before every jump? Packing area is at the lower level + a 12 min van ride back from the landing area to the take off area.

Do i understand correctly that a vigil will not reset itself and thus keep whatever altitude correction i have made for it until i switch it off? And that a cypress i will have to set this alt correction every time?

Also anyone with experience at this DZ, any info welcome

Thanks for the insight

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in both manuals, it is stated that the devices should be turned OFF either before or after getting in a closed vehicle.
In this particular case it is not like driving "flat". We are talking 450ft....
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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Do i understand correctly that a vigil will not reset itself and thus keep whatever altitude correction i have made for it until i switch it off? And that a cypress i will have to set this alt correction every time?

I am jumping at a dropzone where, depending on the wind-direction, you might be dropped over a hill, which is 100 meters higher, than the landing- and packing-area. Because of that all rental and student gear (equipped with Vigils) will be set to an offset of +100 meters. This setting is done once, when turned on and the Vigil keeps it for every jump.

Now what is different to your dropzone is, that the landing-area is not actually higher. But as far as i understood the manuals both AADs will constantly adjust their zero-altitude, so this does not have an effect.

I can't verify your point about the Cypress, but after reading the manual i come to the same conclusion, that in my quite similar case I would have to turn the Cypress off and on to adjust the offset for every jump.

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no i dont think either will change their own settings nor would i want that. however as i understand it the vigil would keep its offset while still monitoring the base pressure every 30 sec or so. the concern about the closed vehicle would affect both AADs and i would think they would have a window open in said van just for this reason. however i know traveling at speed with a window open can cause some funny pressure changes so its most likely wise to turn the AAD off and back on again anyway. but i think this would remain on the vigil and not the cypres.

im going to call around to the AAD makers and see what they say, will follow up here.

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Just talked to both Airtec and AAD and both were very polite and answered the question easily.

Basically they both will need to be turned off after landing, the vigil will retain the offset and display it on the screen when its restarted at the take off area, the cypres will need to be reset to the offset BUT when doing the procedure it will be at the last offset used and so you do not have to scroll to the same offset again and again.

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