Full Face Helmet vs. Googles and Why? Air is warm.

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"Air is warm"..... Really? It is often below freezing at exit altitude here in "warm" Texas during winter.

However, the most important reason for me to start wearing a full-face helmet was for the peace & calmness which allowed be to better concentrate on my flying when I was on my first 4-way team.

Today, I also wear a full-face for the kick/punch protection that they afford when jumping with AFF students.

If full-face helmets are a waste... Why do the RW teams that perform at the very highest levels wear them? Why do virtually all big way RW jumpers wear them? Why are some of the VRW teams beginning to adopt them?
The choices we make have consequences, for us & for others!

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I only use my full face in the tunnel, haven't tried it in freefall yet. I probably will when jumping season starts again though, it's -30 degrees Celsius at 15k around that time. That makes your face pretty cold. I haven't experienced fogging yet though, so my first few jumps will probably be alone, just to make sure that I can "handle" it if it happens. I don't wanna be the person who tracks into anyone on separation because of fog (my friend almost did that to me once).

I also believe that a full face would be more comfortable when I eventually get a foot in my face on a freefly jump :)

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I held off jumping a full face until I nearly had my C license. But now am glad I've got one and jump it whenever I can.

In winter it makes the jumping much warmer, my face is a bit more secured from the loose limbs of my team mates and generally it's less hassle than an open face.

Last weekend mine did fog up once, but that's cos its a little big on me and need to just add a bit of padding around the mouth piece. Easy enough to deal with in the UK winter.

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Open face and goggles. I like the wind in my face. And kiss passes are difficult to deliver when wearing a full face.

I jump a Bonehead Guner, which is really quiet for an open face helmet.

Yup! B|

I love my Gunner...I have a full face but it makes me think that's what a goldfish view of the world must be like. I only use it for jumping in the rain, pointy end of the raindrops hurting kinda thing...;)

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I like my full face Z1. It saved my chin once when I downwinded into the asphalt beer line (landing direction decided before loading, wind changed 180° during ascent), it keeps me warm (Sweden's usually cold, I've exited at -40 [both F and C] without problems), dampens noise, and holds my dytter and camera nicely. I usually flip up the visor when under canopy, to feel the wind in my face - unless it's really cold.
The visor rarely fogs up, and can be easily opened with either hand if it does. H&P can be done with it open.

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Open face all the way! If I wanted to be warm and not feel the wind on my face I'd watch some skydiving vids on youtube......

Though full face helmets do give you protection for tunnel or rel work

This is an UNDERSTATMENT spend 20 min in any tunnell, well perhaps not the one in las vegas, but anyways 20 min and you will have your answere. Your lips and upper cheecks, no not your ass, your cheeks on your face VIBRATE. Broken blood vesseles etc. Although I see many tunnel rats using protec's,... I see far more with purple skplotches on their faces...

There also may be some room for debate here as well,...two incidents that may be helmet related in 2012, both well publicized and very sad...on the other hand lot's of collisions where helmets have proved there worth, at least certianly for those involved in those same collisions...As for Goggles,...they sometimes come off and I personally find this very annoying, never mind the red eye...
But what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump."

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I've jumped both over the years, but just got a G3 to jump the full face full time here in the NorCal winter (I came from south TX and FL in the years before this so I never had to worry about such things as the cold!). But I think what motivated me even more was tunnel flying.... I have just zoomed by a coaches knees or nuts or whatever with my face one too many times as I've been progressing head down the last few hours. :)

I'll definitely be flying the open face when summer jumping comes back around! Everybody has their reasons for what they jump. Neither helmet is naturally better than the other-- just depends on what you want and what you feel better jumping in.

Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)

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Jump them both. Both hass their pros and cons. You will find your feel.
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Open face all the way! If I wanted to be warm and not feel the wind on my face I'd watch some skydiving vids on youtube......

Though full face helmets do give you protection for tunnel or rel work

This is an UNDERSTATMENT spend 20 min in any tunnell, well perhaps not the one in las vegas, but anyways 20 min and you will have your answere. Your lips and upper cheecks, no not your ass, your cheeks on your face VIBRATE. Broken blood vesseles etc. Although I see many tunnel rats using protec's,... I see far more with purple skplotches on their faces...


Not sure about my cheeks vibrating but theres been the odd occasion when I've eaten tunnel wall and wished for a full face :$

Watch out for the visor fogging up if you get a non-retractable one though.

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Open face and goggles. I like the wind in my face. And kiss passes are difficult to deliver when wearing a full face.

I jump a Bonehead Guner, which is really quiet for an open face helmet.

I like the full face. It's warmer, more quiet, and works well for radio comm when called for.
However, I dont' like that students can't see my face, and when training WS I don't like when I can't see theirs. Since the majority of my jumps are coaching jumps, an open face is my most commonly-worn helmet and I encourage WS students to wear open-face.

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