
Looking for info on these risers

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Can anyone ID these risers or who made them? Its an interesting design/idea and would actually like to see some photos if they are available. I have seen several tertiary designs and have never seen this setup before. I would think the only downside is and out of sequence deployment (having to cutaway your "second" main if the first was still packed) Im guessing they are a one off design because I cant find any info and to be honest I don't know what you would call them, tertiary risers?


Im gonna need a bigger hammer....

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The obvious guess is that NZAerosports made them in house since it is a NZAerosports test jump video.

Risers that hang a 3rd canopy off 3 rings added to the main canopy risers have been done before by different folks I think. Wasn't that the sort of setup that Rob Harris had a problem with when he pulled things out of sequence and died? I can't recall. (Don't chop the regular main if it is still in the pack with the 3rd canopy attached and flying.) Airshow cutaway demos by military teams have been done in a similar way? Think so but not sure.

What I don't like is the cutaway system (for the 3rd canopy) that's up on the risers, one on each riser. It makes sense from a construction point of view, but getting the cutaway system caught up in line twists is possible especially when using it with experimental high performance canopies. In the video, the jumper manages OK to grab the handles while twisted up, but still.

See a similar system in the pics at post 50 of http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=3965994; (A single point release not on the risers was used there, but one side I think accidentally released when the risers stretched out way from the yellow cables --but that part of the system was a bit jury rigged without housings for the yellow cable.)

I guess I'd rather have a 3rd canopy anchored off a ring attached to the harness rather than off the main risers. There are a few ways to do that.

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