
Dz.com wedding

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Skygal told me when they got engaged. It sucks that i missed the wedding, but i was in Rantoul. I did try to convince them to get married there though. Anyhoo, big congrats to you both.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Congrats you crazy kids. A hot air balloon? No wonder you didn't call me to be best woman! :P But really, Dave, what kind of skydiver are you? You could have hidden your rig under your jacket and "accidentally" fallen out. Sheez! :P
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Well Skygal told me you two were engaged...

She also asked what she should get you for your Bday....But just like you...Im not tellin'.

Congrats. Damn you move fast.

Honeymoon at the tunnel?
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Yes! Once I get situated out here in the Northwest, plan on seeing me on that plane!! (I moved just about as far across country as one can go, but hey, I'm not complaining, it is totally worth it!):)
Thank you for the congrats! Yes, we did keep it quiet for a bit..I guess we didn't want any naysayers raining on our happiness. But on a beautiful, slightly chilly partly cloudy California morning, my wonderful groom drove us to one of the most beautiful places on earth. We aboarded a catamaran, watched a balloon inflate..Dave carried me over the side of the basket and we became man and wife, about 3000 ft over the lake (in between balloon heatings. :D) Yes, Dave wore a tux and I a full length gown with 3 1/2 heels and all. B| Saying that God has smiled is an understatement; I don't know why this man puts up with me but I love him more and more every day. I even caught myself saying yesterday as I was bumbling around the house "God I love being married!" I guess when you find the perfect fit, happily ever after can exist. [gush]:$ Now! I will gladly pay said pimping fees...

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I guess when you find the perfect fit, happily ever after can exist.

Reading that made me smile. I am so glad that you've found such happiness. You better still keep in touch though. :)


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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on a beautiful, slightly chilly partly cloudy California morning, my wonderful groom drove us to one of the most beautiful places on earth. We aboarded a catamaran, watched a balloon inflate..Dave carried me over the side of the basket and we became man and wife, about 3000 ft over the lake (in between balloon heatings.

This is one of the most romantic things that I have ever heard. I am sooo hapy for you both (even though I have yet to meet either one of you...LOL!) A HUGE congratulations from me!

I guess when you find the perfect fit, happily ever after can exist. [gush]
Sigh...how romantic! :$ Ther's hope for the rest of us... :)
You two have a beautiful life together! :) Felicitaciones en la union de el Senor y La Chica Superdoerosa! Que tengan una vida hermosa juntos.

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