Semi Stowless – Reprise

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Didn’t want to hijack the other thread so… Anyone using a Semi-Stowless bag i.e. UPT, MPOD, etc., in a Mirage G4? Called Mirage and they won’t even custom make one for their G4 tray. Asked if they could recommend the UPT Semi-Stowless bag (or other) and they stated their tray design/shape was not consistent with Sem-Stowless bag manufactures design/shape. So, if you are using a Semi-Stowless bag in your Mirage G4, which manufacturer are you using and what are your thoughts on form & fit?

Let’s go Mirage… How about offering a Semi-Stowless bag as an option or custom order?
Don't be sexist… Broads hate that.

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they stated their tray design/shape was not consistent with Sem-Stowless bag manufactures design/shape.

This seems odd, because UPT says they'll make the bag to the dimensions you specify, so it can be made to exactly match your existing bag.

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I use the UPT stowless bag and had them build it to my pack tray dimensions as well as building it in the wingsuit grommet up configuration without issue. I am sure if you contacted them they could build you one to fit your Mirage container quite easily.
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I have mirage mt and i use v306 stowless d bag.
Mike will ask your bag demension and he recommened v310
I told him to go to hell and i ordered v306 bag.
Fits perfect inside the container and perfect soft on heading opening ever since.
Mirage d bag demension will not make sense for vector guys due to trapazoid shape.
Go read the chart of vector d bag pack volumes and you go decide...
Mirage and vector has very closely shaped d bag. It will work.
What size is your mirage????
Bernie Sanders for President 2016

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Lou / StayHigh... thanks for the UPT info.

ST - I have two Mirage containers... MO & MT. I'll call UPT and let them know what I'm looking for. After your comments, seems pretty straight forward.
Don't be sexist… Broads hate that.

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Mo will probably go with v308
And i put jvx 94 or fx99 or katana 120 into v306 bag and i have mt and there are absolutely no problem when i close my container.
Enjoy your straight on heading opening,,, and somehow they open softer.
The guy will insist that the demension of the d bag is more important, not the canopy size, but i think that is dead wrong.
I would've been pissed if i got v310 which is made to fit 150 max.

I've seen many stowless bag design, and i like vectors the most. It actually enables you to figure 8 the lines than close the tab, not shove the figure 8 into the pocket. Also i hate magnets on some stowless bag designs. They just add weight to top of your canopy. One belgium made bag weighed like a pound or two.
Bernie Sanders for President 2016

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I just contacted Mike about a semi-stowless bag for my tjnk.

Are there any issues I should know about for a vector to javelin retrofit? Trapezoid shape, etc?

Grommet up seems like a good idea as well since I mostly fly a death-suit.

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