
New AAD from Altimaster ??

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If you really really want it from what I know it's currently available in Europe.

The only thing that is keeping it coming to the U.S from what I understand is the approval from the rig manufacturers. I've heard that this approval is going to be quite difficult after the argus incident and all.

If you're in the market for a new AAD I'd suggest buying a Vigil or Cyrpes as there's no telling when it'd be released/approved here
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Just compared the dimensions of both the CYPRES and the M2 from the user manuals. Info listed below:


Processing Unit 85 x 43 x 32 mm
Control Unit 65 x 18 x 6.5 mm
Cutter 43 x 8 mm dia

Mars M2

Processing Unit 85 x 45 x 23 mm
Control Unit 63 x 18 x 5 mm
Cutter 58 x 8 mm dia

Users manual in english can be found here:


video of cutter test here:

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