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I'd have to say you are definitely an enlightened male. Part of the issue is that because there have been no birth control developments for men it has always been up to the women to protect themselves. I got "fixed" when I was in my late 20's just for the hormone reason. They're the same as the vasclip and reversable. It was also a fairly non-invasive surgery (laproscopy). Anytime you add hormones to a biological system, IMHO, you're just asking for trouble.

Back to the male issue. I know tons of guys who "got" someone pregnant - when they didn't want to have kids. Now in the big picture it's the kid who pays the price, divorce, unhappy marriages, not knowing your father, etc. I BEG the men out there to take the initiative and consider the clip.

I know of only one other man that has taken the initiative and "got fixed." So, Kudos to you Turtelspeed!

Is a chicken omelette redundant?

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Interesting. I've had a regular vasectomy for eleven years now, and with two teenagers I feel no incentive to want more kids, so I never think about a reversal. This looks like a nice option.

On the lighter side, they remind me of slinks. Maybe this is something your rigger can do while you're having your reserve repacked, or sending your Cypres off on it's its 4 year service...

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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It's every 3 months (trust me on this one!)

She's standing right here behind me, saying she gets it every 2 months. (trust me on this one!):D

She may want to check that! I last went on Sept. 15, and I'm due on Dec. 6. (forgot to add I could technically wait until Dec. 13 if I wanted to.) It says so on my card! Go to the Planned Parenthood website if you don't believe me!

~sigh~ Time to dredge up the old post (Sorry Ivan, LOL.)

My wife has been having complications from the depo. Specifically, it's been wearing off earlier and earlier. She's now down to a shot at least every 1.5 months. The doctor for this reason, obviously, wants her off the shot. He gave her 3 options for now. Go back on the pill, or get tied, or send me in.

Gettting tied. Riskes are involved.

Pill. Hmmmm, two of my 4 children were born during pill use. She's kinda forgetfull when it comes to daily medications. Since we want no more, that's not really an option.

I compromised. I don't really want to get snipped. I KNOW she doesn't. I made her a deal.

If she quits smoking, I'll go in and get the clips. If she does not quit, she's on her own with the pill, and probably a lack of sex.

Am I a bastard? I want her to quit, and I saw this as an opportunity for her to actually do it. She's got 1.5 months to do it.
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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Well I just lost a good friend because i said she was was being too emotional. I can accept the fact that women can get a little hormone reaction sometimes. The male equivalent of a woman's cycle is us being in perpetual heat. That affects us every 8 seconds, not just a few days a month. So if i be nice, can I skip the clip and operations ? I still have a lot of sympathy for females and their emotions.

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I know of only one other man that has taken the initiative and "got fixed." So, Kudos to you Turtelspeed!

It's seriously invasive for the women to have the surgery and only a short procedure for the guy and outpatient. A guy can ready to play in a day or two if done right.

It was no question for us who got fixed. Doc Canfield was thorough, snip + remove a segment + cauterize the ends (of course twice). Good job, if you do it, then do it right.

I think it's funny/sad how squeamish other guys are about this, especially when you consider the relative surgical risk to their wives for the equivalent surgery. The only exception I can possibly see is if the doc is in there already (for a c-section or the like).

Even though I was fixed, I think the emotional toll was still about 99.9% on the wife's side.

Edit: I don't think it's 'enlightenment' so much as just thinking it out and using common sense...B|

Edit: Lastly, though, if only one partner really wants it (sterilization), it's only fair that this partner is the one to be subjected to it. Fortuneately, it should be a mutual decision.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Six years in the "V" club for me...;)

Tomorrow at 4:30 Eastern I'll be in my doc's office having him set an appointment for my clipping. I'm looking forward to the result, dreading the procedure. Seriously dreading spending a day or so with my genitals packed in ice:S
I am not the man. But the man knows my name...and he's worried

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Women are sick of guys complaining they're crazy and emotional. Guys should try filling their blood stream with chemicals that change the flow of nature and see how normal they act! :D

However, here's another alternative:
It seems like a good idea. Has anyone tried it or know of anyone who has? It's reversible, so men at the age of 20 who aren't sure if they want something "permanent" can get it done...I think.

i know someone who had his clipped and he had one get as big as a lemon!!! He also said that it was very painful for several days after that!!!

not for me

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A bit of advice...
Listen to the doctors reccommendations...
DO what the doc tells you to do...
DON'T DO what the doc sez not to do.

Pretty simple actually.
The way it was explained to me (turned out to be true)
is that when it's over you'll feel fine. Most likely, completely normal. That is what causes people to fuck up. They feel fine, and set about on their normal routine. THAT's how you get one "as big as a lemon". Doc told me not to lift anything heavier than the remote or a can beer for two daze, and he suggested that I went home and iced my sack down with a bag of frozen peas.:S I did, and I didn't have a problem at all...cut on Friday afternoon, back in the saddle on Sunday;)
By the way...The whole procedure took at most 15 minutes. In-n-out. Completely painless.
You can get a lot more done with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone.

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