
Elsinore burnt down

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Thanks to all the generosity of your "extended family" you guys will pull through... bigger and better.
That is SUPER that you are still open for business... that will help so much. would be nice though, if those jumping could stick around and help with some of the clean up.
hang in there everyone...

earthbound misfit

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I just called the DZ and left a message for Carl & John. Skydive Chicago is willing to help in anyway we can. I'm a phone call away (they've got my number). And we'd also like to help the staff & friends that lost equipement as well. I know how to get a hold of the DZ, but where do I send other monitary donations from SDC for the others??

** It always brings a smile to my face during sad times in our lives when our family of skydiving unites as such a positive force. Our love is with the Elisnore Family. **

Missy Nelson
Missy Nelson
**Learning Never Stops**

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So sorry to hear of your loss. I know that fires are difficult for everybody involved. What's important is the amount of insurance that the dz carries in the categories of the things lost. All of the gear should be coverable it just depends on how much insurance elsinore carries. My parents business was set afire the day before thanksgiving and they're going through all of this stuff with the ins agent.. that's another thing too.. WATCH THE AGENT they can be the scum of the earth! But good luck Bro... and to all the intructors.


I travel the land, Work in the ocean, Play in the sky

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missy, a pay-pal acct has been set up (thanks soulah) and will be transferred over to john hamilton asap. once this is done, it will be put out on dz.com and people can start sending money. it's workable now, but getting it transferred to hammo is the next step. this should be done in the next hour...

you guys rock at sdc. it's all about extending a hand.....


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I'm so sorry to hear about this. I wish I could do more to help, but I'll do what I can. If I were out there, you know I'd be there doing anything that was needed. But I love the way the DZ.com community has come together, and I know that it'll make a huge difference!!


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What type of tandem rigs did Elsinore use? Knowing what the majority of their instructors are rated for will help in finding DZ's that are closed for the winter but might be able to loan or lease the rigs to Elsinore.
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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Wow, this is really awful news. I had my tandem at Elsinore and from the moment I first got there I knew that I wouldn't go anywhere else to do AFF, and that's still true today. It is great to hear you currently still are running business as usual, and people like me (and other students on dz.com) guarantee you future business as well. Right now just work on getting gear and getting back on your feet. Money and bodies to fill your planes and the sky will just come pouring in.

I've been to Elsinore twice (once to do my tandem, and once by invite of Michele and Rosa to just hang out and watch) and I already have that feeling that Elsinore is my second home. My heart goes out to all of you, and if you guys physically need people there to clean up, rebuild, etc., please let me know and I'll be there just as soon as I can!

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It was the building in the background of this photo that is completely gone. When I find a camera I will post the "after" photos...

That was the before...

Here are some afters...
"packingroom" being close to the same perspective as the one in the link above...
"fishpond" is where a lot of photos used to be taken as there was a nice big Skydive Elsinore logo above it
"staffgearrack" is a view from the road/back of the video room into what used to be the staff gear room. You can see the gear rack, which was full, and if you look closely you can see a reserve handle still on the rack from a rig that completely melted off of it.
"studentcanopy" is a student rig, you can make out the purple from the canopy.
"theschool" is the view from the bar, as you can see, the school is just gone.


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So sorry to hear of the loss. And happy to hear no one was injuried.

It is expensive, but that is exactly why we carry insurance for our school equipment. Our equipment is new and up to date, but the building we are in is old and you never know. At $12,000 plus for a new tandem rig, you have to insure!

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Thanks for everyone's support and thoughts. I just got back from the DZ and the mood is somber, but we are still trying to maintain a positive attitude. I lost everything in the fire as well. I'm not sure of my emotions, as I try to make light of the current situation. I'm also one who did not have coverage, so maybe it hasn't hit me yet. I got there at 0400, just as the fire department had the fire under control. After that it was mainly trying to comfort each other throught the rest of the night. Yes, it really sucks right now, and I apologize not replying to any emails, nor PMs. Me, Rich (rjf98), and Ed (Cajones) are regulars here on DZ.com, but most all of our staff lurk here and post occasionally. Needless to say we are devasted. I'd also like to thank our students whom have been very supportive of us and we really appreciate it.

Thanks again for your support.

Take care,

Mark Guinto
AFF-I, Skydive Elsinore

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Oh my God... I cannot believe this... I jumped one of those student rigs YESTERDAY. But way more important than that, every single instructor at Elsinore has patiently answered my questions, always been willing to help with anything whether I've jumped with them or not. I will send some money and I wish I could do more...

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What else do you need? A place to stay, or have they got the electricity and water back on? Let me know....

760-458-2153 (cell)
Bob Marks

"-when you leave the airplane its all wrong til it goes right, its a whole different mindset, this is why you have system redundancy." Mattaman

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got any rigs we can borrow?

I collected a bunch of altimeters, beepers, goggles, jumpsuits and people with gear to loan at Perris.
Video dubbing equipment and camera set ups are also available for loan.
Elsinore manifest has the altis, beepers, goggles & jumpsuits. JP's camera suit is there & he's dropping off other stuff too.

If you are Elsinore staff please email me at
aerosoftware _AT_ MakeItHappen.com
for a list of folks that have a rig to lend.
I do not want to publish their contact info here.

Please do this asap, as I'm leaving the country soon.
One of the gear lenders is leaving on Monday.

I will also be sending an email out to S. Cal jumpers. I would like to put your gear requirements & contact info in the email.

I know plenty of people with the equipment you need that they can lend to you.

Blue Ones - You guys hang in there - you'll have loaner gear by the weekend, if not sooner.

Hammo said he has student and tandem rigs lined up already.

THey still need the staff equipped out - that is happening pretty quickly - but there are still people not set up yet.
- jumpsuits for staff & students
- altis - that may be covered by now. Alti2 is lending their displays until the new ones get in.

Betsy sent someone to buy vcrs & such stuff to Walmart already.

Look for more info on the Elsinore web site and contact the dz directly.

Make It Happen
Parachute History

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Jan, if it will help, you are more than welcome to send the info over to me as you'll be leaving the country. I'll coordinate whatever needs to be handled, and make sure things get taken care of. It'll stay confidential with me, as well.

SHould you choose not to, that's also all right. Thanks for your work. It is appreciated.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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I just had a thought, and don't know if it will work or not, but can't those who make their living as a jumper go to the SBA and take out a small, low rate interest loan to replace the gear? I'm not sure that would work for everyone, but I was thinking about the ways to get things rolling, and that may be one way.

Dunno...anyone with expertise in that area?


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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I already wrote to Betsy to tell her that I am driving over there on Monday after I check in to the hospital in the morning. (My surgery is on Wednesday.) I am going there to help with ANYTHING that I can, and I am dropping off all my personal equipment/gear to be used by whomever can fit into it for the next 2-3 weeks (or however long it takes me to fully recovered from surgery).

I have been missing my Elsinore family (and the sky!) for soooo long as I have been sick over and over again for months now due to chronic illnesses. (The only jumping that I have done for several months has been in Eloy, but then I got extremely sick again when I returned to L.A.)

Anyway, these beautiful people are like my second family, and I LOVE them all with all my heart. I have been depressed and crying for them and their loss all night and morning. I am just so very, very thankful that they are not physically hurt. Together, I know that we can all help them to pull through. This is our happy home, and we will be able to overcome this hardship.

Personally, I will do anything that I can to help.

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..but can't those who make their living as a jumper go to the SBA and take out a small, low rate interest loan to replace the gear?

Yes, but the SBA is not all it's cracked up to be sometimes and it can sometimes be like offering your mother in law a place to stay while in transition between selling her house and buying a new one...i.e. painful.

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