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I'm thinking I don't really want to work in construction in Florida. I mean, I love animals and all, but...
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
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im jst the opposite...
I know if need be I can out run those snakes. that gator will fuk you up if it wants to and the only thing you'd be able to to is listen to your own bones snap:o

you can outrun gators too. of course, I'd much rather be snake-bit than gator-bitten. ouch

MB 3528, RB 1182

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You can hold a gators mouth shut with one hand. I will watch while you try to hold the snakes closed. Ever tried to out run a blue runner snake! They won't bite you but they will chase you. It happened to me once freaking snake passed me like I was in the slow lane.

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I worked contsruction in Fl. for 3 years. Seen some crazy stuff. But try driving on US 27. Gators cross the road all the time.:S Hell, Fl. one of the few places in the world were golfing can be considered dangerous. Try going after a ball you lost in the water[:/]. Anyone remember Chubbs from Happy Gilmore?:D

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