
Where does your rig sleep?

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Was just thinking of this over the weekend... wondered what everyone else did, especially through the Winter.

Where do you keep your rig?
On the floor near the door
In a closet
In my car
Hanging in the garage
Under my bed
In my bed
On the rack/shelf I built on my dining room wall for the sole purpose of holding skydiving gear

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wheew... was begining to think I was the only one:
"On the rack/shelf I built on my dining room wall for the sole purpose of holding skydiving gear ----- 3"
At least my wuffo friends should get a kick out of it. "Uhh.. why is there a parachute hanging on your dining room wall?"

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my option is not up there... I have a locker at the DZ for my stuff... I"m there too much to lug it back and forth. Anyhoo, what's winter got to do with it? so long as there is no ice I'm still jumpin'!!!!

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I put "in my bed" but my real answer wasn't on there. It sleeps on the floor BESIDE my bed so that if any robbers popped in it would be nice and close to me so that I could kick their ass before they ever had a chance to take it.
I also sometimes keep it at my Dad's house since he lives near the DZ and has home owners insurance. Since I don't, I worry sometimes when I'm gone that if someone were to break in that it wouldn't be covered since we don't have insurance on our townhouse that we rent.
If we are camping out at the DZ, it sleeps with us wherever we are whether it be in a tent, trailer, hotel, ext.
I never leave it in my car. It would get hot and lonely and would be vulnerable.
These are just the thoughts that go through my head. I am VERY protective of my baby.
Carrie http://www.geocities.com/skydivegrl20/

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That's a good idea! Never thought of building our own rack for our gear. I just now got my girl back from the DZ after a fresh repack and new batteries, now she's in the closet. :( I wish I could have her out where I can see her all the time, but I have to protect her from the big dogs and kids.

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I have to protect her from the big dogs and kids...

Oh, btw sweetie, uhhh... when I went home for lunch today, judge had chewed the reserve flap off your rig & was working the cutaway pillow over pretty good! Didn't you close our bedroom door?;)
"Pull High.... It's lower than you think!"

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Oh, btw sweetie, uhhh... when I went home for lunch today, judge had chewed the reserve flap off your rig & was working the cutaway pillow over pretty good!

Hehe. Well I don't have that problem at least, but I do have cats so mine stays in the closet. I was running out the door for the DZ one day, when the urge hit me, so I sat the rig down by the door and used the bathroom. 2 minutes later when I came out, my rig was covered in cat hair >:(

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My sweet baby sleeps in her gear bad in my bedroom, close to the door, so I make sure to see her when I'm packing my stuff to go for the weekend! She reminds me everyday that she wants to go play!! As soon as the rain stops here I am going to take her out and let her play as much as we can afford!!

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I put "in my bed" but my real answer wasn't on there. It sleeps on the floor BESIDE my bed so that if any robbers popped in it would be nice and close to me so that I could kick their ass before they ever had a chance to take it.

same hereB|

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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My Mum rides horses and she just suggested this - http://www.tds-saddlers.com/ProductDetails.asp?PCLinkID=4399 - to hang my rig on in my room. Cab't go wrong at that kind of price.....where's my credit card, can't have my baby sleeping on the floor. ;)

May Contain Nut traces......

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I am getting one of those black post outlined manicans from a store....the one that is a pole, has the shoulders and the head is a circle.....they get rid of them all the time at department stores......so thats where mine will sleep......next to my bed in the courner where I can see her.

For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
Pedro Offers you his Protection.

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