
Why do I produce massive amounts of heat?

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Am I going through menopause at the age of 24? Am I getting hot flashes???

An observation was made about myself this past weekend, and I was wanting those who are smarter than I am when it comes to physiology to enlighten me. Why does my body seem to just seem to act like a portable heater? Supposedly, a room that is normally at a comfortable temperature will get much too hot if I'm in it (yes, this is without physical activity.) My skin feels really hot sometimes, too.

Also, when I go to bed, I'll be comfortable. However, there will be some nights where I'm frequently waking up sweating. Do I run in my sleep?

I'm not concerned about it or anything, it's just bizarre. I'm just curious as to why I'm getting hot flashes at the age of 24!
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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It's not just you. I'm a mobile furnace myself. I've been told there is some natural variation in the body temperature regulation of people - some people just run hotter than others.

The good news is that if you can find yourself a boyfriend who's always cold, he won't be able to keep his hands off you. ;)
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some people just run hotter than others.

So, when I say that I'm hot, I really mean it! (sorry...just had to get to the bad joke before someone else does....)

What's bizarre is that I haven't always been like that. I also get cold really easily. It's also just at random times....like I don't always have burning skin.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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No shit, well, I guess I'm more of a "polar bear" type. My actual body temp is actually a shy hair low, usually almost a degree low, but I overheat very easily, I really prefer it to be cold. Especially when trying to sleep. So that with a fiancee that easily gets cold, we've had some laughs and have found some middle ground.:P
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I'm the same way, Dave. My normal body temp actually averages around 96.8 F, my metabolism is slow, as is my resting heart rate.

I get cold easily, but I hate hate hate being hot, so if it's above 72 degrees at night, I can't sleep or I wake up sweating.

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Out of curiosity, are you warmer than normal all the time...or just in the evenings?

I have trouble regulating my body temperature at night when I am tired. My normal temp runs around 99...but when I'm tired, it jumps up around 100. Its weird. In the middle of summer I'll be bundled up at night because my husband and son are warm so they turn down the AC...I stand around with my teeth chattering.

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Me toooo, I like it cold everywhere I go, cause I'm always hot! My thermastat is set on 70 and I still sleep with the covers off half the time:S
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Using biofeed back, you can test your body temp using the finger clips. If you tense your body, it gets a little colder, then if you concentrate on relaxing, it gets warmer. Most people can change their body temp by 3/10ths of a degree with no problem.

Peoples bodies get used to certain things also. For runners, their bodies are used to throwing off heat during exercise. It becomes a very quick process for them.

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I'm a furnace at night too. Just ask my boyfriend. I am comfortable when I go to bed, but I always end up with limbs out over the covers - especially my feet - they are my radiators. :D There have been times I've woken up sweaty, and other times, I've been so hot that the heat bouncing off the pile of blankets next to me, wakes me up. My boyfriend sometimes pushes the covers down between us to build a sort of wall to protect him from the heat. :D I've been this way all throughout my 20s. So long as the room is cool and I don't get 'trapped' under the blanket - I'm ok. I will also cool down completely within minutes of waking up. :S

Strangely though, during the day - I'm usually cold if it's below 75 degrees.

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I get hot flashes & heart palpitations all the time, fairly consistantly over the last say 10 years. I attribute it to a change in diet & climate (leaving parents home in FL to Chicago & not having my mommy cook healthy food for me)

Val - I'll be interested to see the responses. Sometimes I get those hot flashes, I end up sweating in the middle of winter, outside... and in the summer, if it's below 75 I'm VERY cold.

At night, I only have my torso covered & the bedding under me is so hot you could cook on it. Othertimes, I feel like a big block of ice. The 2 variations have happened under the same exact circumstances.

I'm thinking of going to a DR for the heart palpatations. Sometimes they hurt, sometimes just a quick cough will even out the rythem.[:/]

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PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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I'm thinking of going to a DR for the heart palpatations. Sometimes they hurt, sometimes just a quick cough will even out the rythem.

hey erica. i have had heart palpatations since i was 9. how often do you get them and what are you doing when you get them?

mine last anywhere from 3 seconds to several minutes - depending on how fast i can sit down and focus on stopping them. there is no pain, only lightheadedness and slight shortness of breath. i've seen several doctors about it. i was told that a lot of people have them. mine are normally anxiety / stress related - but i know heart palpatations can also mean something more serious. def see your doc.

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I don't remember when I started getting them, just realized that I was use to the sensation a few years ago.

Typically I get them when sitting, sometimes walking, never when exercising though. Sometimes as often as once a day for a week, sometimes only monthly. They do hurt, kinda like slamming your fists together on the side w/ the pinky fingers together, but w/ more of a hard flop feeling.... what i'd imagine a balloon poping & then quickly growing back together would feel like if you were a balloon :S.

It's good to know that other people have a somewhat similiar issue. When I was a baby I had a heart murmer that supposedly should've gone away as I grew up.

I haven't been to a DR in YEARS other than for specific injuries. I couldn't even start to pick one in my area (I JUST moved). Plus they scare me & I'm pretty much a hypocondriac (sp?) Good advice though!! I need to look into it.

Since coughing makes them go away after bout 30 - 60 seconds, I figured it'd be ok. But I can't do anything until it's gone.

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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Hey Erica,

I was having similar problems about 5 years ago and finally I went to the doctor and they did a bunch of tests and found out one of the valves on my heart doesn't close all the way. It's called Mitral Valve Prolaps. There's a few medications you can take for it that don't really have any side effects. I don't know if that's what you have but it sounds a lot like my symptoms. If it really bothers you I'd suggest seeing a doctor just to be safe.

I did a little search on it and found this page HERE scroll about half way down the page to symptoms.

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No shit, well, I guess I'm more of a "polar bear" type. My actual body temp is actually a shy hair low, usually almost a degree low, but I overheat very easily, I really prefer it to be cold. Especially when trying to sleep. So that with a fiancee that easily gets cold, we've had some laughs and have found some middle ground.:P

I run about 2 degrees colder than normal, but my doc said "It must be normal for you". :P Derek calls me a heat sink, I suck all the heat out of the part of his body I'm touching.
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Derek calls me a heat sink, I suck all the heat out of the part of his body I'm touching.

If you could teach my fiancee that trick, I'd be more cuddily, as of now, it gets way too hot...>:(:P

On second thought, don't teach her that trick.;):P:PB|
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I've been so hot that the heat bouncing off the pile of blankets next to me, wakes me up.

HA! Glad I'm not the only one!!!!!

I don't think I've had heart palpitations (I'm guessing that's something you'd notice), so, lawrocket, if you're trying to give me some sort of sign, you are very very wrong!!!!! :P:D
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Thank you so much, I remember vaguely hearing something about that - will have to check it out. I'm going on a sever exercise/weight loss regimine soon & so need to see a doc now anyway.


lawrocket, if you're trying to give me some sort of sign, you are very very wrong!!!!!

I sure as heck hope he's wrong - I wanna jump w/ you this summer!!

Speaking of heat bouncing off sheets - I couldn't sleep, got up drank water, came back to bed - it was almost on fire. I was radiating so much heat, my s/o moved to the couch for a few hours :|. Then in the middle of the night, I woke up freezing & went to cuddle w/ him - we moved back to the bed :)
Skycat - that's so funny!! A "heat sink" ahhhahahahah, so funny - sucks for him though ;)

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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