
Jumping from a Cessna is nice

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Ok so I'm spoiled. I had never jumped from a Cessna before. This past weekend, I went to Skydive Jersey Shore and got to Jump a Cessna 205. It was pretty cool. It was really strange not to have 21 other canopies in the air with me.

It was a little different to climb out and hold onto the strut. The Cessna had a nice steady humm and vibration that was relaxing. I was almost sleeping on the way to altitude. The climb was slower; but, I was chatting with our pilot and the time flew by.

So now the quest begins. I would like to jump from every skydiving plane out there and hit all the DZ I can. I guess I'm hooked.

The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.

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Are you joking?

Jumping from a cessna means you have to:
- Lean forward on take off
- wonder if your gear has caught on anything/anyone, on the ride up
- sit on the floor
- wonder if your legs will move because they have fallen to sleep on the ride to altitude
-get out 3 thousand feet lower

aw twin otters are the place to be

edited cause my spelling sucks :)

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Are you joking?

Hell no! It's fun to try to lauch a 4 way from 7k. But, the best part of a little Cessna is that it takes off with a helluva lot less jumpers than a turbine. We used to have a 206 for $16 to 12k. Two jumpers $24 each and we fly! It sure beats watching sitting on the couch.

the depth of his depravity sickens me.
-- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt

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Okay maybe I'm really spoiled, but our dz has a 182, so it only needs 3 jumpers if the weathers not hot, and your in the mood for a hop and pop.

I did start jumping at a 206 only dz, I spent so much time sitting around and waiting for a plane.

At my new home Dz (yeah skydive burnaby!!!) I'm proud to say that I have not set foot inside there Cessna. Not that I wouldn't, just that I haven't yet.:)

yeah my spelling really sucks

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aw twin otters are the place to be

Can you hang from your feet from the wing of a twotter?

My biggest complaints about the 182s are speed to altitude, noise (ours have a lot of engine and wind noise), and limited room if anyone is built or wearing a wingsuit. (I've ridden with 3 wingsuits before. :S) (Minor complaints include things like logistics of launching a rodeo.)

Other than that, they're great. Can't beat them with a stick for hop-and-pops. "Yo, pilot, turn that way. Now this way. OK, thanks for the ride, see ya later, don't forget to wave at me while I deploy!"

And I am the mad phat master at making sure my gear is not caught on the seatbelts or static line students. :D

P.S. We don't lean forward on takeoff. We just load the plane properly and relax.


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P.S. We don't lean forward on takeoff. We just load the plane properly and relax

Yeah I am getting out at the airport LAST anyway so my seat is usually assured.. behind the pilot facing backwards.. lots of LEG ROOM.. and I NEED it..

5 bodies in the aluminum can...stacked big end to little end fashion.. just add some mustard...

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Jumping from a cessna means you have to:


- Lean forward on take off

'it depends were in the plane you are located,only 1 has to do this in our plane


- wonder if your gear has caught on anything/anyone, on the ride up

'so you dont in other planes:S


- sit on the floor

i have nearly 600skydives,i have always been sitting on the floor in all the planes i have used to skydive from


- wonder if your legs will move because they have fallen to sleep on the ride to altitude

huh?you anit really sporty are you? i nearly never had this problem only as you are on your feets/knees.


-get out 3 thousand feet lower

are you a real skydiver???:Sat my dz we flies a Cessna 182T,i get 14300ft(unoficial + but we arent allowed to go higher in DK),from which alti do you normaly skydive? the rest of the planes i have flewn whith dropped me about the same alti.

im not a Cessna freak and i preffere also a fast ride,but your critick wasnt fair,or atleast you didnt experienced better(which is sad to you).

i wont edit becours of spelling i cant edit my spell as i cant spell:ph34r::D

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Are you joking?

Jumping from a cessna means you have to:
- Lean forward on take off
- wonder if your gear has caught on anything/anyone, on the ride up
- sit on the floor
- wonder if your legs will move because they have fallen to sleep on the ride to altitude
-get out 3 thousand feet lower

Eh? I've got 3 Twotters and a Skyvan to play with and I still love 182 jumps. You have to enjoy them for what they are. Simple, fun, enjoyable.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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I did my first C-182 jump about 2 months ago after jumpin out of a twin otter for the past year and a half and I liked it too! At first, I was thinking," Awww this plane is so small and slow" but we had fun on the climb to altitude and it was such a different experience to be climbing out on the strut and jumping with a small group of people.

I will do it again, but only when I dont plan on doing alot of jumps in a day!
Blue skies and SAFE landings!

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You have to enjoy them for what they are. Simple, fun, enjoyable.

Agreed. Cessna's are cool. On what other plane are you expected to use the strut and step as monkey bars?

Most importantly though, only from a Cessna can you kiss the pilot on your way out the door. :D

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I was almost sleeping on the way to altitude

there have ben days where i have slept the entire ride to altitude in a c206... sitting against the controls on the right side i just leaned back and fell asleep..it was a good 20 minute nap before they woke me up at 10k so we couldget out at 11k... but then again the TURBINE 206 i jumped out of had us at 12k in 15 minutes!!!!!!! that thing rocked!!!! and eventhough it probly wasn't the smartest thing to do we would regularly take off with the rol up cargo door open with out any seatbelts on heckonly the pilot had a seatbelt (in germany so no far's broke not sure about german regs though)

"i have no reader's digest version"

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Are you joking?

Jumping from a cessna means you have to:
- Lean forward on take off
- wonder if your gear has caught on anything/anyone, on the ride up
- sit on the floor
- wonder if your legs will move because they have fallen to sleep on the ride to altitude
-get out 3 thousand feet lower

aw twin otters are the place to be

edited cause my spelling sucks :)

To address your points one at a time:

1. Crap
2. Crap
3. Ya have to do this in a lot of planes buddy. Even some Otters
4. Crap
5. Crap. We often go to 12k in a Cessna. Its no 13.5 or anything but...

I split my time between a Cessna DZ and a turbine DZ
with an Otter and Skyvan.
Each has their own things that I like about them.
The Cessna DZ is twice as far away as the turbine DZ too.
This coming weekend I'm riding in Cessnas baby! B|

My mighty steed

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Personally I don't think there is anything wrong with a cessna. What ever gets you to altitude. I personally do prefer faster aircraft seeing that I started jumping from a Kudu(the slowest jump ship in the world ;) see attached picture).

It's always nice jumping something new but a cessna week in and week out will eventually get to you.

Cheers enjoy your adventure of jumping every drop ship ... ps. to jump the kudu you'll have to come to South Africa(I think we're the only country with the Kudu).


On last thing the second attachment if my first jump.
You are unique, just like everybody else ...

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i wont edit becours of spelling i cant edit my spell as i cant spell:ph34r::D

There is this small button "Check Spelling" or Microsoft Word for more suggestions of spellings. :P;):) Sometimes the spell check takes forever.
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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Jumping from the Otter is GREAT; but, there are positives to the Cessna also. Either way you are getting to jump, so it can't be all bad.

Although the Otter is fast to altitude, I had at least as much room in the 205 with 4 people. I have never been on an Otter load where no one farted. In the Cessna, there were only us 5 and no "natural gas". You also get a better view out the window of the Cessna. I was able to look out the back and side of the Cessna very easily. I was nice to enjoy the ride.

Otters and Cessnas are definitely different. Both are fun and both get us to jump. What's not to like.

The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.

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Are you joking?

Jumping from a cessna means you have to:
- Lean forward on take off


I want the plane not to crash


- wonder if your gear has caught on anything/anyone, on the ride up


Not that big a problem


- sit on the floor


And you've NEVER sat on the floor of an Otter, King Air or Skyvan?


- wonder if your legs will move because they have fallen to sleep on the ride to altitude


Well, you've got a point there.


-get out 3 thousand feet lower


I've gone to 15,000 in a C182


aw twin otters are the place to be


I've flown in Otters that climbed no better than a 182.

Now that I'm done sticking up for the trusty 182's. I'd rather jump out of an Otter.:o:S:P

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Most importantly though, only from a Cessna can you kiss the pilot on your way out the door

I do that all the time at my Cessna DZ. And i do love hanging on the strut and giving a big smile to the pilot before i let go. I will never understand turbine snobs.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Chuck, I know I'm new to the sport; but, otters that climb as slow as 182's?????:o

Either all 22 people were VERY FAT or it is a plane I would truly be happy to have my rig on.

So much for the perfectly good airplane questions.;)

The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.

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