
Utah -- Man killed in POWERED parachute accident -- press clips

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It's a small open rig, with a seat and a large fan behind the seat with a parachute providing the life and the fans providing the forward power. supposed to be fairly simple to fly, and safe. just not in this case. I was reading an article about powered chutes and para gliding in UTah and the area that this accident occured in is a mecca for this stuff.

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I'm assuming that it was actually a "powered paraglider".

Doesn't have to be, there are powered parachutes, big fucking 9 cells and 11 cell canopys that are 500+sq ft. They look like even bigger EZ tandem canopies. Usually attatched to a pissed off looking go cart with a big fan.

These guys have no training and aren't required to get training to fly them, we saw one guy come out to the airport with one a while back, about stall then hook himself in under one. After he flew across the runway at 200ft, we got the FBO to kick him off the airport before he hurt himself or somebody (or cause a plane crash).
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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