
New to sport!! AAD question

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Django built a few Firefly mains before they were sued out of business (patent infringement) circa 1984. Fireflies were really only intended for petite ladies. I made a half dozen jumps on a Firelfy. Even at my 1985 weight (180 pounds) stand-up landings in the pea gravel bowl made my feet sting!
I am not clear if Django ever sold any Firefly reserves.

When the company re-opened (circa 1985) as Glide Path, they added mini-flares to their line attachments, to avoid a repeat of that lawsuit, so the biggest difference between a Firefly and a Firelite is the mini-flares. Firelite reserves lack stabilizers.

Quoting Poynter: "in 1985 Glide Path began drop testing its canopies so they could be certified as reserves. The seven cell Firelite ... were the first."

After Glide Path got sued out of business (too many deaths under Nova ZP mains), they changed owners and re-opened as Flight Concepts, which still makes Firelite reserves today.

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