
The traditions of beer in skydiving

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It has never been fully explained to me about the traditions of owing beer in skydiving. When do you "owe" beer? A stickier question (that could go over like a lead parachute) is although I don't have a problem with drinking (I personally do not drink), as a Christian I do have a problem with drunkenness and would prefer not to contribute to it. What would an alternative be? Once, instead of beer I treated all the staff of the DZ to a meal of pizza and soda. It seemed well received and the DZO commended me for it. What are your thoughts?

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Here are the official Beer Rules(tm)

Pay special attention to rules number 8 and 9.

1. An unwritten law, one as immutable and irrefutable as gravity and backed by history, states that skydivers enjoy the drinking of beer almost as much as flight itself.

2. A manifestation of this fact is the tradition of the buying by an individual skydiver a case of beer (that being twenty-four cans or bottles holding twelve or more ounces of beer, ale, or some similar such substance) for his or her fellow jumpers to celebrate the accomplishment of a particular feat or milestone in one's jump career.

3. It is generally recognized that the buying and drinking of such beer enhances that common bond shared by skydivers and contributes greatly to the body of knowledge concerning parachuting and its related activities.

4. It is a sad fact that some skydivers are ignorant of what constitutes a significant achievement (usually and henceforth referred to as a "first"). Equally sad is the fact that some unscrupulously thirsty jumpers will shamelessly try to "weasel" a case of beer out of a jumper for an inauspicious event.

5. Recognizing this, the following happenings are to be regarded as suitable occasions for buying beer. This list is not to be construed as exhaustive.

6. First jump (It is not required of students. They are simply encouraged to participate).

7. If more than one first is accomplished on a single jump, only one case of beer is required.

8. Participation is voluntary. If a skydiver chooses not to participate by buying, neither shall the skydiver enjoy the fruits of the accomplishments of others.

9. Non-drinkers may buy sodas and buyers may make up any part or whole of their purchase in soda for the enjoyment of those non-drinkers.

10. It is generally recognized that using a reserve parachute for the purpose of saving one's worthless, non-packing self from a gory death requires him to buy the saving rigger dinner or the bottle of liquor of his choice.

11. These articles are ironclad and binding. For the price of an additional six-pack, a sniveling skydiver may enlist the services of an S & TA to represent him or her in a hearing where the committee will rule against that skydiver a second time.

* Completing the student course of instruction
* First four way
* First eight way
* First CRW
* First time in the peas
* First night jump
* First kiss pass
* First competition
* First water jump
* First dead center (measured by a judge or electronic scoring pad on a three or five cm disc)
* First jump on a new main or new rig (purchased, not borrowed)
* Any license, award, rating, or badge
* Getting your name or photo in "Parachutist" Magazine
* Gross safety violations not resulting in serious injury or death
* Any jump ending in "00"
* First cutaway/reserve ride
* First jump from an aircraft not normally used at home drop zone
* First jump at a new drop zone
* First demo jump
* First save (you riggers thought you were getting off easy)
* Vomiting in the airplane or on another skydiver
* First round canopy jump (Geez, used to be the other way around)
* First broken bone
* First camera jump


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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I heartily disagree with #7.>:( Up to 4 or 5 cases have been owed by one jump. But, collection is iffy and the volunteer part comes into play.;)

Once, in order to pay off all our accumulated debts a friend and I bought the keg for the halloween party. This was deemed a most honorable action.B|

Unfortunately NOBODY buys beer at our DZ anymore, mainly because nobody hangs around to drink it any more.:( Everyone's off to do their own thing.

In order to celibrate surviving a 1400' reserve total (pulled correctly at 1700') I bought the skydivers in the bar a round of tequilia. This event certainly merited more than mere beer. (Did I say "meer beer"?:o:S spank me!:P)
I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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Having 879 days clean, I don't buy beer as a general rule. Root Beer Floats on the other hand go over quite well as everyone can enjoy one of those and they don't have to wait for the beer light to come on!:ph34r:

Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.

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I personally think all the "beer rules" were written by a bunch of people who should have long ago attended Alchoholics Anonymous.

They have managed to sucker people into feeding their drunkeness by telling them they "owe beer" for everything from their 1st jump to their grandmother's birthday.

Bill Cole D-41

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Personally, I buy beer. I have found that every time I bring my cooler full with Iced Tea, Gatorade and soda, it is greatly appreciated.

I think the spirit of the rule is to share something with your fellow skydivers to help them share your first. I think that soda's a little BBQ or Pizza would be welcomed. Let's be honest, skydivers seem to like anything that is free.

In my opinion, if you don't drink you don't have to buy beer. Buy what ever you like to share with your friends. I'm sure they will appreciate it.

The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.

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In my opinion, if you don't drink you don't have to buy beer. Buy what ever you like to share with your friends. I'm sure they will appreciate it.

Exactly. . .it is the sharing part that people like. . .
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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Having 879 days clean, I don't buy beer as a general rule. Root Beer Floats on the other hand go over quite well as everyone can enjoy one of those and they don't have to wait for the beer light to come on!

First of all, I acknowledge you for your huge accomplishment. You honor yourself and others by not being a slave to alcohol.

Second, when your next "first" comes up, why not take a road trip to Raeford so you can hook a brotha up with a Root Beer float? I'm all about that!
Arrive Safely


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The beer rules evolved some time well after I started jumping, which was 1973. It wasn't until I started jumping in 2001 after a long layoff that I ever encountered them. I'm sure it grew from a local, to a regional, to a national phenomenon, but I don't have a sense of the time or place of origin or the rate of spread.

I don't drink at all, but would be willing to buy a case if I did some types of infractions. I also wouldn't be apologetic about buying a case of soft drinks. I really like the root beer float idea above too.

-- Jeff
My Skydiving History

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Very good set of rules!

Years ago, I do believe yes, beer drinking and skydiving went hand in hand. Hell, where I started jumping the jumpmasters were graded not by their abililities, but by how many beers were in the fridge at the end of the day. We have evolved though and there is a lot less drinking and skydiving (at the same time) which has severly curtailed the amount of beer consumed at the DZ. I can remember a $100 bar bill (and a bottle of Captain Morgan's for the rigger) 19 years ago after my first reserve ride, first total, first main/reserve entanglement (all on one jump). I really think the tradition started as a way to celebrate the fact that the man upstairs wasn't ready for us!

That being said, I am all for the case of sodas, the root beer floats sound even better.
blue skies,


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Very good set of rules!

Yes, yes it is!

and as for being a bunch of alcoholics.......HA! I am not now nor will I ever be a quitter!!

........and rehab is for quitters!>:(

but I will gladly supply non-alcoholic beverages for those among us who do not have the finly tuned liver that has become a skydiving tradition!

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Very good set of rules!

A very good set, indeed. I've said it before, but I like this sport, I like beer, and I like people who like beer. While I wouldn't think of drinking beer prior to jumping, or participating in any other sport for that matter, count me in a'pres.

So far, I've supplied the local DZ fridge with (1) 30 pack of beer, and three cases of water. I'm a newbie, and it is summer, after all.

Big Sky Blues,


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I buy beer, but also a soda for those who don't drink. It's about sharing the experience with others that you just had for the first time. Or just for having a good time...
I don't consider having a beer a big thing (not before jumping though!) and don't drink to get drunk. Some of the best beers in Germany come from christian monasteries, btw...

If you drink just to get drunk, don't waste your time with beer... Takes too long!:P

The mind is like a parachute - it only works once it's open.
From the edge you just see more.
... Not every Swooper hooks & not every Hooker swoops ...

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If you don't drink, you don't have to buy beer for others. My rigger doesn't drink, so if he saves you, you owe him a case of Dr. Pepper.....cuz that is what he likes....

The nly beer debt I believe it is crucial to pay is rigger debt....karma is important


I'm a Doll!!!!

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Don't pet the swetty things, just enjoy the sport, the
people, to buy beer on a "first" is tradition not mandatory. We have people that dont drink at the
dz that dont bring beer. I and the rest of us do not
have a problem with that, "no biggy brother".

PS: you might have to do a neked one @ the 100th

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One of the best reasons I have ever heard for "beer rules" is this:

On a DZ, beer causes the passing of knowledge from the buyer to the consumer. This means that when someone buys beer, don't just run up and snatch one for yourself and take off, but grab one, ask who bought it and why.

Get to know the person. Most often, beer is bought by the new jumper. This gives a conduit where by the new jumper can end up in a social situation with more experienced jumpers.

I get very annoyed when I see a sub 100 jump skydiver buying beer, and some skygod with a couple thousand runs up, grabs 2 beers and runs away. How is that a good idea? Why would that person ever buy beer again? At the very least you should ask the guy his name. Find out why he is buying beer.

Methane Freefly - got stink?

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Man you must all come from very small dropzones if you think we are alcohoilcs. People, we are talking about ONE CASE of beer here when you have a first. Firsts do not happen every day and if they do that is only ONE CASE of beer per person. A case of beer at my Dz, my god, you will be lucky if you see two bolttles each!!! there is nothing wrong with this, i think it is a brilliant rule of thumb as it gives the dz a social atmosphere once all the jumping is done. It is the second best part of jumping....Pissing your dzso off and then sitting down with him to talk about your jump over a beer!
For the people that don't drink alcohol, A coke would do fine, and i will do the same. Man, a day at a dropzone needs to be celebrated, cause you get to do it again!!
Blue skies everyone, with a few scattered clouds.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Hey Pabman,
Beer has been around us humans for longer than we know!! God only knows when the first cave men began brewing and drinking the stuff?? As far as Skydiving and Beer, well as long as there have been Skydivers. AndyMan did a good post about (Beer Rules) and I'd like to add a couple of notes. When I started Jumping some 40 odd years ago, one outstanding beer rule was for "Unintentional Ripcord Loss!!!" DON'T DROP YOUR RIPCORD! If you had a malfunction it was ok to toss the R/C so you could use both hands to get your reserve out(someof us may remember no pilotchute hand deploy reserves!) "Dropped" ripcords was a case of beer! The Bottle of liquor for the rigger has been around as long as there have been riggers. I know this was a military tradition. Many military riggers were "Honored" by the pilots and crewman who had to bailout of crippled, shot up aircraft and used a chute packed by "that" rigger to save their life!!
Aviators and beer just seemed to go well together! Remember Beer call at Pancho Barnes Happy Bottom Riding Club out by Muroc (Edwards AFB) in The Right Stuff!!!
As Skydiving grew, so did the Beer Rules! As mentioned for any noteworthy accomlishment!!
Getting your SCR (Bob Boquor memoial Star Crest) "Really" got the beer going in the 70's and 80's!! The beer was for the people on the SCR dive "FIRST," all lurkers had to wait till the 8-way got their beer! Typical question on an RW dive,"Who doesn't have their SCR??" The race is on.
All this writing sure has built up a powerful thirst!! Wonder if there's a "Cold Beer" in the frige??
SCR-2034, SCS-680


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The beer rules evolved some time well after I started jumping, which was 1973.***

I started in August of 73 at Port Severn Ontario, the beer rules were firmly entrenched then. My impresion was they had been going for quite some time already by then.
Watch my video Fat Women

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