Seeking math games

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You know the kind of stuff, where one picks a number, adds this, divide, subtract and you tell them the answer..
Well, I forgot this one that one picked numbers, then corresponds to animal, fruit, and a country..It almost always came out as " a Kahula eating a orange in Denmark.
Does anybody know that one,. or reference to stuff like that?

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Think of any number from one to 10.

When you have it, multiply it by 9.

If it's a two-digit number, add them together.

Now, subtract 5 from the number in your head.

Now, think of the letter in the alphabet that corresponds with the number you are thinking about. For instance, if you are thinking of the number "ONE", it would be "A". Number "TWO" would be "B". "THREE" is "C", and so on.

Do you have the letter in your head? Good.

Now, think of a country that starts with the letter you're thinking of. Good. Spell the country in your head.

Fine... think about the second letter in that country's name. Now, quickly think of an animal who's name begins with that letter.

Now, think of the animal's color.

That's funny... this can't be right... there ARE no gray elephants in Denmark!

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