
What makes a good person (can people change?)

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I was thinking about this last night, almost purely out of boredom, but anyway.....

Let's say it's in a person's nature to be on the path of a killer, a liar, a thief, a cheater, etc.

Now let's say this person, after many years of doing whatever it was that made them a "bad person", begins to realize that they have made horrible mistakes in their past, and doesn't want to do them again in the future.

Are they still a bad person because they've done these things?

Does the realization and prevention of future activities of this sort make them a good person?

This could be an interesting discussion. B|

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i'd have to agree with beowulf.
sure they've changed and became "good" but that doesn't erase what they did before then. killers in jail may realise what they did was wrong but that doesn't mean they're allowed out. still have to serve that life sentance:P
so basically all i've done is re-worded what beowulf said but ....whatever

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My husband pulled a lot of shit in his past, which I'm sure he dosen't want me spilling all over the internet, but it is extremely colorful and some would consider him a 'bad' person as a result. This was before I knew him, and at the time I probably would have considered him a total loser. He's not the same person that he was then. He doesn't regret most of what he did, because it is a part of him, and helped him to become the person he is now, but that is not who he is any more. He's the most caring, compassionate, giving person I know.


Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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All i have to say to this one, is people need to think about there actions BEFORE they do them. Most people do shit and expect everyone to forgive them for being an ass....sooooo sorry...

We are all human, we make mistakes, and if we learn from them and dont repeat them it is all good. However the MF's that expect everyone to forgive them for there stupidity, and lack of consideration for others as they keep doing the same stupid shit over and over...heh...Karma is a biatch! :P
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Everyone makes mistakes at some point...
Its just the relative severity of it...
I would say that in my opinion most people are inherently bad, its just education that prevents them from acting on it, as a result bad things happen when you remove education :|

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I wouldn't say that everyone is inherently bad, but inherently selfish. Most of the things people do wrong are due to selfish wants and needs, not just to do something bad. The education causes people to realize how their actions affect others. A sociopath has a very diffucult time empathizing with others or even considering other people at all.

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Open a Bible, look up "Repentance" and "Forgiveness".
Doesn't matter whether or not you are a Christian and/or what you recognize as a sin.

If someone wants to make an effort to change, then yes, i would be willing to forgive. However it is the people that expect to be forgiven for their acts, and then continually commit them, expecting everyone to "just let it go" or keep saying "i'm sorry" over and over and over...That I have issues with. I have looked past peoples past faults and given them a chance to "change" I have had situations that they have in fact done so, and for that my respect is strong to see such a wonderful change. Other times that they just continued there same shitty behavior to which they have been exited from my life.

I will continue to give those people the opportunity to prove there past is infact the past. However being completely honest, depending on how bad the past really was....those with a really shitty past will have a shorter string....[:/]

We are all human, we all make mistakes...but it is what you learn from those mistakes you make that will make or break you as "A good person"

I think the point was well hit, most people are driven by selfishness. How we handle that is up to us, and a conscious decision. Yes we will all do thinks at time we will regret...just learn from those actions and concequences...:)
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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Are they still a bad person because they've done these things?

Short Answer... NO


Does the realization and prevention of future activities of this sort make them a good person?

Short Answer...NO

What is your definition of a good person/bad person?

You don't have to be a criminal to be a bad person nor do you have to be mother teresa to be a good person.

I could just as easily consider someone unwilling to forgive to be a horrible person--and since I am passing judgement on someone else that in turn would make me a bad person right?

Here is a very nice qoute a friend sent me---
You cannot Judge and have peace of mind at the same time...

Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.

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Now let's say this person, after many years of doing whatever it was that made them a "bad person", begins to realize that they have made horrible mistakes in their past, and doesn't want to do them again in the future.

So your thinking of buying a RW suit then ? ;)

-- Hope you don't die. --

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They may change and become a "good person". But that doesn't mean that they are no longer responsible for the wrong things they have done. They still gotta pay the piper.

Statute of limitations, man. B| It's all good if enough time goes by. :P

Who you are is largely attributed to who you associate with regularly. Hang out with bank robbers long enough, I guarantee it's gonna start to look like something 'acceptable' to you after a certain point of time. [:/] Contrary wise, hang out with some decent people, and you will begin to emulate them. :)
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Now let's say this person, after many years of doing whatever it was that made them a "bad person", begins to realize that they have made horrible mistakes in their past, and doesn't want to do them again in the future.

So your thinking of buying a RW suit then ? ;)

Now THAT reply is outstanding!! :D:D:D
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Damn straight I think people can change.

I call it "unfucking yourself." I was a serious screw-up in my earlier years. I know a number of others who were, as well.

A good person is the one who realizes that he/she was wrong. The person makes no excuses for what he/she did, and will face the consequences without denial for the rest of his/her life.

One image I have is a guy who speaks to kids about crime. He was a prisoner on Alcatraz for a series of robberies and I think he killed a man. Due to his public service over the last 30 years, he's been offered pardons that he refuses to accept. He said, "I had no right to do those things that I did to those people. They lived with the consequences of what I did everyday, and I should face the same fate."

He became a good man. It can be done.

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My philosophy is: There is no truly good or bad person. I believe everyone is born with both potentials. A generally good person, might do a bad thing and vice versa.

I couldn't call myself a good or bad person. I have done some very sneaky things that I was fully aware of (generally not hurting anyone, just helping me), yet I also donate a lot of money to charities, volunteer and generally do a lot of nice things for people, as well.

Call me good, call me bad, but I really don't care if you call me at all, is my feeling;):P:)
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I used to be pretty mean when I was younger, and that's because I suffered a lot of pain. ANYBODY can change the way they've lived their life in the past...but it's pretty hard to do by yourself.
Surrounding yourself with compassionate, giving people will help you become a better person, but ultimately you are responcible for how you live your life. We all have a free will and choose every day what attitude we are gonna take on.

And yes, if it was in someone's nature once to be a killer, liar, cheater, etc, they can change with God's help.

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believe it or not people can change maybe not all the way but it can be for the better

I agree! Absolutely people can change, but they have to WANT TO CHANGE, not change b/c of society, friends, family, etc...it has to be something that stirs them inside. Be it their faith, or simply on their own will :))

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They may change and become a "good person". But that doesn't mean that they are no longer responsible for the wrong things they have done. They still gotta pay the piper.

Statute of limitations, man. B| It's all good if enough time goes by. :P

Who you are is largely attributed to who you associate with regularly. Hang out with bank robbers long enough, I guarantee it's gonna start to look like something 'acceptable' to you after a certain point of time. [:/] Contrary wise, hang out with some decent people, and you will begin to emulate them. :)

the Statute of limitations only applies to small things. Important things like murder and rape have no statute of limitations in my book.

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A good person is the one who realizes that he/she was wrong. The person makes no excuses for what he/she did, and will face the consequences without denial for the rest of his/her life.

Exactly. You generally can't (and shouldn't) expect apologies to be accepted just because you make them. You're not going to convince many people of how good a person you've become just because you can say, "I'm sorry" like some kind of of penitent robot.

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We will all pay for our mistakes in one way or another. This is particularly true if it comes to your own conscious realization of what you have done wrong.

If you don't pay with shame, karma will always get you - but sometimes you get hit with shame and karma. Good luck.

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