
jumping with a hooded sweater?

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I told a guy to tuck in his laces around the neck and he looked at me like i was retarded ( well i am ) Ha.

Veeektor is very experienced jumper, seems like he would have know better than to leave long laces around the neck, but he said they've never been a problem.
Hell, i tuck in everything on a skydive.... and put gaffer tape on every crevice of a camera helmet.

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Hell yes there is a problem .
1) it could fly up over your handles
2) string around neck or waist could get tangeled or wack you like the bitch that you are. Kidding
3) hood could get in the way... Murphy's law
4) Drill Sargent Bark: You're not on the block anymore kid this isn't the Hood ! Go put a jump suit on.
5) Be consistant with your jump attire for best flying results.
6) sets a bad example for newbies
7) Just my opinions

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Hell yes there is a problem .

1) it could fly up over your handles
2) string around neck or waist could get tangeled or wack you like the bitch that you are. Kidding
3) hood could get in the way... Murphy's law
4) Drill Sargent Bark: You're not on the block anymore kid this isn't the Hood ! Go put a jump suit on.
5) Be consistant with your jump attire for best flying results.
6) sets a bad example for newbies
7) Just my opinions

You are from Michigan, and you've never jumped in a hoody?

Take the string out.
Tuck it in to your leg straps.
Tuck the hood under or wear a larger helmet over.
Proceed with caution.
Jump at your own risk.

p.s. It's not really comfortable.

Peace and Blue Skies!
Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!

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i've never had any problems... heck i've een jumped in my leather jacket before....... as others have said, tuck in/ take care of the strings and it's all good....

and to whomever said it wasn't comfortable... remeber..personal opinon there... i find jumpingin my hoody to be just as comfortable as my jumpsuit...(warmer too) ( but i onlynormalywill wer a hoody for hop n pops or a fun non ff jump)

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any problems with it?

Ive jumped with a hoody...BUT i tucked the hood in
there is a lot of issues when you jump with different types of clothing. I have a pair of shorts that tried to kill me.

they have the loop in the back pocket (for your key when you swim) that got wrapped around my hackey and caused a horseshoe.

so its not just winter.bulky clothes that can cause you to die. but it is something to think about!
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Nope. No problem with mine... I usually roll the hood under to make a bit of a roll at the back of my neck and I make sure the bottom is pulled ALL the way down and tucked tightly under my leg straps to make sure it does not blow up and over certain handles I MAY have to use.
It provides some good drag on my upper body for doing a sit..... and is great when its a bit chilly at full altitude. Its really nice when doing a hop and pop at 13K....

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Nope. No problem with mine... I usually roll the hood under to make a bit of a roll at the back of my neck and I make sure the bottom is pulled ALL the way down and tucked tightly under my leg straps to make sure it does not blow up and over certain handles I MAY have to use.
It provides some good drag on my upper body for doing a sit..... and is great when its a bit chilly at full altitude. Its really nice when doing a hop and pop at 13K....

I always jump with a sweatshirt on (yeah people make fun of me in 80 degree weather :S) and half the time it's a hoody...I just tuck down the hood & strings, & bottom under my legstraps.

-Of course, I don't have a jumpsuit. If I did, I'd still wear my sweatshirt underneath...it's kinda my security blanky when I jump! :)
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