
Is there a word that makes your skin crawl?

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Hint: he was on the debates the night before the election. ;)

Shit! Duh! I even watched that! It was all the previous Saturday Night Live debate skits!

Will Ferrell as George W. Bush!
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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Yeah, I still giggle when I say penis. Penis. *giggle* Hehe. I said penis.
I still giggle when i touch a penis.
I did that last night. I don't think he appreciated it too much

Hehe, most men get mad when you tell them how cute thier little penis is too.

Reminds me of the girl who said she couldn't date redheaded men. She said everytime she looked at that thing, she expected it to start singing, "The sun'll come up, tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar..."

paradigm - it means work, whenever you hear it
Shit happens. And it usually happens because of physics.

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Bonus points won... 5
1/2 lost for wrong answer... 2 1/2
1/2 lost for wrong answer... 1 1/4
1/2 lost for hint... 5/8
Taxes, title, tags,
shipping, handling, finders
fee, application costs... -15

Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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Mine isn't a word, it's a phrase..."Mama, I need a ____". Whatever it is, there goes my jump money. :S

Man do I know that feeling. And the older they get, the more expensive the fill in the blank is:|
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Chemistry, physics, engineering...blaaaaaah! :S
I don't like those words, or anything dealing with math. I'm totally right-brained and always had a hard time w/ math. I use to cry in 5th grade over long division. :(
Now I am finished with math courses for the rest of my life!!! :)

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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and then there are the "words that don't exist... but people use them anyway":

partay (as in... "let's kick-it at Jimmys... he knows hot to parTAY!")
heighth there's NO "TH" on the end people!
nucular Thanks for this one, Dubya.

Oh, these words are the warts. Bush's pronunciation is right up there with Jimmy Carter's "nook-ee-er".

Some others:

acrost (as in, he had "ASS" written acrost his forehead.
exscape, expresso, expecially, excetera. . .

you'se I'm from Philly, but I can't stand it when you'se talk like that.


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Brown Creeper
A small, thin, nearly camouflaged bird with white belly, long stiff tail, and thin curved bill. Obvious white line above dark eye.

Canonical Erection
The rite by which the house of a religious order is sanctified and officially recognized by the [Catholic] Church.

Main Entry: dick·cis·sel
Pronunciation: dik-'si-s&l, 'dik-"
Function: noun
Etymology: imitative
: a common migratory black-throated finch (Spiza americana) of the central U.S.

Dick test
Main Entry: Dick test
Pronunciation: 'dik-
Function: noun
Etymology: George F. Dick and Gladys H. Dick
: a test to determine susceptibility or immunity to scarlet fever by an injection of scarlet fever toxin

A vote manufactured for party purposes, by the transfer to persons, not otherwise legally qualified, of sufficient property to qualify them as electors.

Some kind of net for fishing.

A performer on the bassoon, bassoonist.

Main Entry: fig·wort
Pronunciation: 'fig-"w&rt, -"wort
Function: noun
: any of a genus (Scrophularia) of chiefly herbaceous plants of the snapdragon family with leaves having no stipules, an irregular bilabiate corolla, and a 2-celled ovary.

Pertaining to the fornix (an anatomical arch or fold, esp. an arched formation of the brain)

Main Entry: fu·cus
Pronunciation: 'fyü-k&s
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin, seaweed, archil, dye obtained from archil, from Greek phykos
1 obsolete : a face paint
2 [New Latin, genus name, from Latin] : any of a genus (Fucus) of cartilaginous brown algae used in the kelp industry; broadly : any of various brown algae

: a covering of minute ice crystals on a cold surface; also : ice particles formed from a gas

Main Entry: hoary
Pronunciation: 'hOr-E, 'hor-
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): hoar·i·er; -est
1 : gray or white with or as if with age
2 : extremely old : ANCIENT
- hoar·i·ness noun

Rarely used term for a morbid desire to eat.

Main Entry: 1shut·tle·cock
Pronunciation: 'sh&-t&l-"käk
Function: noun
: a lightweight conical object with a rounded often rubber-covered nose that is used in badminton

A bird of the subfamily Parinae (Swainson)

1.) Name for the kestrel [species of Hawk].
2.) fig. as a term of opprobrium.

Oxford English Dictionary


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Mine isn't a word, it's the absence of a word. I absolutely SHUDDER when somebody is speaking in a public forum (presentation, on TV, whatever) and all you hear is "uhhh...."

"So uhhh..., the next thing to do is uh..., to make sure we take care of the problem so that uh...it never happens uhhhh... again."

I just want to reach through the screen or up to the podium and smack 'em. There is NO excuse for it, ESPECIALLY in a forum where you have a chance to prepare yourself.

Sorry. End of rant.

Elvisio "yeesh, I'm bitchy today" Rodriguez

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