
Open Water

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I'm pretty sure the one they were advertising during shark week and open water are 2 different movies. I went and saw open water last night and I liked it. That being said if you no interests in sharks or diving you probably won't care for it that much. I'll give away the best part of the movie, the acrtess in the lead role gets butt naked in the beginning of the movie and it just put a huge smile on my face :):):)

"Don't Mess Around With the Guy in Shades- Oh No!!! "

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For some reason, even though they scare the hell out of me, I always flock to see the latest scary movie. I guess I like the suspense. Anything that makes me hold my breath; I don't know it when I do it, but afterward when I'm out of air, I realize.

The village is FAR from scary or even the slightest suspenseful. The idea is OK, but I could've read the idea in a short story book. My advice: buy some nachos, a large cherry coke and some sno caps; it'll cost you about $20 but at least you'll enjoy SOMETHING:P;)
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The girlfriend and I rented this...and watched it tonight. It was a frightening movie...and way better than I expected. This was an independently made film...which is even more impresive. I found myself chewing my nails during the film...which is saying a lot when it comes to me and scary films. Very non-Hollywood. It's worth the $4.

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I'm pretty sure the only true part of the story is that they were left, everything after that is pure speculation.


No, no...they came back to tell everyone what happened, and then in the spirit of the whole thing, chose to go back into the water in an undisclosed location, allow the search to start from scratch, and ultimately...

well, you gotta see the movie.


I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...

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It's a "B" movie. Unknown actors, funded by the director/producer who are a married couple. It got raves at the Sundance film festival - from a film-making perspective it may be a wonder, but from an entertainment perspective it was slow and anti-climactic.

It would give it 2.0 stars out of 5. [:/]
Arrive Safely


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I'd like to read a bit more about their story. Can you give me some more information, so I can find something more to read about the couple?

May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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I just saw it and really liked it. I thought the acting was fantastic. Very natural, not overdone. It's what people act like in real life. Sure most of it is speculation, but what else do you think they talked about for all those hours? It wasn't really what I'd call a "suspense" movie though that element is certainly there. Regardless of how they ultimately died (I don't believe for a second it's insurance fraud) the end would've been no less traumatic for the victims; especially for the one that had to die alone.

If you are the type that can put yourself in the story, you will like this movie a lot. If you like to sit back and be entertained, it might not be for you.

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If you are the type that can put yourself in the story, you will like this movie a lot. If you like to sit back and be entertained, it might not be for you.

I saw this movie just a couple weeks before going to Maui to learn how to scuba dive. :)

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The girlfriend and I rented this...and watched it tonight. It was a frightening movie...and way better than I expected. This was an independently made film...which is even more impresive. I found myself chewing my nails during the film...which is saying a lot when it comes to me and scary films. Very non-Hollywood. It's worth the $4.

You guys pay 4$ to rent a dvd WOW that sucks. I rented it for €2.20 shrunk it copied it
now it's mine. I thought it was a good movie and held up well with just two main characters

Gone fishing

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I thought it was pretty unsettling. had to brace my bones for fighting off shark pose... Scarier than watching a doc on transient killer whales eating a blue whale before I went rec diving in AUS. In fact I think I got up a couple times to shake it off. They captured the essence of fear pretty well. Nothing like twenty million years of preadator looming to kill your good mood. good ending.

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