
Attaching Streamers to the Canopy Lines

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Tension knots, anyone?

I'm no rigger, but I'm thinking that attaching free-hanging streamers, string or anything of that nature to your lines is a recipe for trouble. I can see them potentially getting tangled in your suspension lines during deployment.

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Given the chance for problems during deployment, maybe you could come up with a streamer that hooks to a D line and anchors to your slider. Attach it after deployment and since it's anchored by the slider it would not ride up the lines and could be detached should it cause a controlability problem.

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How can I attach streamers to my canopy lines?
How long can they be, what lines to attach them to, and how to pack them in the deployment bag?


Keep them out of the lines, your slider will thank you! ;)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Where can I find info on a bottom skin deployable flag?


I would advise you get at minimum a D license & probably PRO rating or a before you start jumping things rigged in the canopy.

Get totally competent saving your life prior to adding variables that 'can' make a jump even MORE exciting! ;)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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