
Cypres - Smoke damage?

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My next door neighbours (i live in a semi detached house) house just got completely destroyed in a fire today.

While rushing to get out of my house that was filling with smoke that was coming through the floor boards I had to make a decision about what to grab (bearing in mind i was on crutches as i've fractured my knee cap). After deciding that my dog probably was more important than my rig and new laptop i left them behind.

There was no fire damage to my house as the walls contained it very well, but the house filled to the brim with smoke (luckily not the horribe black stuff).

Would/could the smoke have damaged the cypres? I'd taken the main out as it's not going to be used for a while so the container was open. I'm just wondering if the smoke could have damaged the sensors in the cypres?

Obviously i'll be emailing airtec, but was just wondering in the mean time!

Thanks :)

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I agree with ripcordkid. Even though the Cypres is pretty well protected in the reserve container, it's better to be sure. Last time I sent a Cypres for a 4 year check, it came back in about 3 weeks. I'd send it to them with an explanation why you're sending it. I'm also wondering if the main was on a floor where it could have suffered some heat damage. You'll really want to do a good inspection of the whole rig. Hope your knee heals quickly.
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Since the Cypres has a filter to let only the air in, I would say that the smoke didn't get inside the unit since the smoke is composed of fine particles quite big with respect to Oxygen and Nitrogen molecules of the air. You have to keep in mind that the Cypres II filter stops the water molecules at least for a while. I would be more concerned by the possible heath damage and because of that very unusual situation I would send the unit back for check up and have its filter changed.
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I would also wash the container asap with mild laundry soap and water.... Of course not washing the reserve, aad, and packing data card.

Smoke dust is not pH neutral. You really don't need that stuff sitting in the fabric and on all the nice shiny hardware either. Probably overkill, especially if you smoke, but might as well do something while your cypres is at the factory....

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Got a response from Airtec:

***Hi James,

Thank you for your e-mail.

What a story. I hope that not too many things were damaged.

The smoke will not have caused any damage to the CYPRES and there is no need to send it in for inspection. It is safe to use when you want it.

Best regards,

Sandra ***

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Got a response from Airtec:

***Hi James,

Thank you for your e-mail.

What a story. I hope that not too many things were damaged.

The smoke will not have caused any damage to the CYPRES and there is no need to send it in for inspection. It is safe to use when you want it.

Best regards,

Sandra ***

As Much as I love Cypres, reading that statement kind of makes you want to ask 'How do you know that?" B|
First thing that came to mind. Would be interesting to know all the different tests a cypres 2 is put through to determine when you can trust it and when you cant trust it.

To those forum nay-sayers ... yeah, yeah, Yes I know, I should never trust my AAD

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