
Does your Sabre2 open on or off heading more often?

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Hi there,

This poll goes to Sabre2-jumpers. I want to replace my current square with a new canopy. My current favorite is the Sabre2. The only black spot seems to be the opening direction capabilities. And I'm used to on heading openings... ;)
Some say the Sabre2 "never" opens on heading, others say the opposite.
Maybe it's body position, maybe there are single ones (or most) more prone to off heading openings.

So, how went your Sabre2 jumps?

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Thanks Deyan.

I have a few jumps on sabre2 and on the pilot. I didn't like the pilot somehow and I have to find someone with a safire2 yet.
My sabre2 jumps were nice and on heading, except one :S (sporty 120 left). But I doubt body position on that one. Maybe it was due to packing.


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Maybe it was due to packing

It's not packing, and it's not body position, it's the 'chaos factor'. :P

I've jumped all three of the Sabre2/Safire2/Pilot canopies, and the best advice is to jump all three and pick your favorite of the three (or four if PD ever starts to send out Pulse demos!)

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Almost always off heading for me. Could be body position, but I have over 1000 jumps on mine and I just think I'd get it right by accident a little more often. It's not packing either... I had a PD rep pack it and it gave me a 270 (which is only 90 degrees off heading... not too bad :)

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Mine are mostly on heading. Most openings are when flying wingsuit so there is a line twist now and then.

The Sabre2 wants to be flown during depolyment. Hold it on heading with very light harness inputs during the snivel.
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I have a few jumps on sabre2 and on the pilot. I didn't like the pilot somehow and I have to find someone with a safire2 yet.

I have jumped a Safire2 215 and 169 (about 150 jumps), Pilot 188 (about 100 jumps), and Sabre2 190 (about 50 jumps)

The Safire2 is definitely my favorite of the three. It opens more consistently on heading than the Sabre2 (but not as consistently as the Pilot) and is just as fun to fly as the Sabre2.

Figure out what you are looking for the most...if you want on heading openings, the Pilot should be your choice. If you want generally on-heading openings with the occasional 90 degree turn and a canopy that is a blast to fly and land, go with the Safire2!

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Mine are mostly on heading. Most openings are when flying wingsuit so there is a line twist now and then.

The Sabre2 wants to be flown during depolyment. Hold it on heading with very light harness inputs during the snivel.

I agree with this. Mine are 99% on heading, but you can't be an arching lump in the harness during opening, you need to 'feel' the canopy and work with it, actively fly it during the opening.

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If mine wants to turn, it's going to turn. Trying to control it during the opening doesn't seem to have much of an effect. Pulling a left riser when it decides to turn right just makes for a wierder opening. It snivels straight, then when I'm thinking it's on heading, it turns hard. I just get on the rear risers and put it back on heading when it's done doing its thing.


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It snivels straight, then when I'm thinking it's on heading, it turns hard. I just get on the rear risers and put it back on heading when it's done doing its thing.

Hi Dave,
that supports the theory of some models with built in desire to turn away. It would suck to get such an exemplar. But ok, unless you are doing biggerways, I think it's acceptable. Occasionally hard openings would suck much more. :P
Is there a difference between harness and rears to steer the opening? My current canopy reacts nearly zero to harness but I grab the rears after line stretch, wise or not.


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I'm sure it depends on the size/wingloading. On opening, I just try to keep my feet together so I'm as symmetric as possible. I cant predict which way its going to turn and once it starts, it decides when to stop. It's usually not too bad... 90 or so. Sometimes it starts one way and then switches.

After opening I can use harness turns, but it's sluggish. A rear riser turn with the brakes stowed doesn't want to stop on it's own. It's typical for me to start a rear riser turn and then kill my slider, then unstow my brakes to stop the turn. If I'm slow, I might miss the heading I want before I get my brakes unstowed, long after releasing the riser. Sometimes I can stop the turn with harness input but not always.

But to prove that skydivers like and recommend whatever POS they own, I like and recommend the Sabre2. :)

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Mine are mostly on heading. Most openings are when flying wingsuit so there is a line twist now and then.

The Sabre2 wants to be flown during depolyment. Hold it on heading with very light harness inputs during the snivel.

I agree with this. Mine are 99% on heading, but you can't be an arching lump in the harness during opening, you need to 'feel' the canopy and work with it, actively fly it during the opening.

My experience as well after about 100 jumps on the Sabre 2 210 and 190. Well said both times.

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I checked "off heading" but that's not exactly correct. The opening is on heading but it always opens in a left turn (end cell closed). Takes just a sec to pop the brakes and pump it up but I'd never play in big crowds with it.

And yes, had several different people pack and jump it and it does the same to everyone.
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The Sabre2 wants to be flown during depolyment. Hold it on heading with very light harness inputs during the snivel.

Agreed. Some canopies don't respond well when you try to fly them during deployment, and others do. The Sabre2 (or at least mine!) is definately the latter.

Early on the openings would get pretty wild and sometimes scary, but once I learned to anticipate and react to the opening I found I've been able not only to accept a wilder opening, but also to prevent it from getting worse.

Personally, I've found it best to let it do it's thing during the snivel, which is usually on-heading, and then lean heavily to the opposite side the instant that it dives (mine usually dives right) during final inflation.

I love absolutely everything else about the Sabre2, so I'm cool with the kinda weird openings. Opinions vary.
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Based on the "across the board" split poll results, fairly safe to say it "really depends"...probably related to all of the following...canopy design, packing, body position, humidity, temp, etc... As an example, triathlons seemed to always open on-heading no matter how it was packed, body position etc..obviously a VERY different canopy planform design. Overall, "general on heading direction" would be the best description of a sabre2.

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you can jump mine ;) its a little smaller than 135 though.

I can make mine open on heading everytime. All it needs is for me to slow my packjob down a second. Eitherway, once it stands me up I just lean a bit one way or the other if it does start to do something and that keeps it perfect

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