
No reserve ride?

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I had 2 mals in almost 100 jumps so I'm no better off. First one dual brake fire on a student rig and second lineover that I packed - never really figured out why - soon as I saw it I said eff this not fixable let's see how good my reserve packjob is...


I am in the same boat, back luck.

I packed one mal myself (line over, because I was lazy. the rest were jumps that other packed for me. In my first 200 jumps I had two line overs (bow ties) and an amzing canopy explosion (opening was so hard i bruised my neck with my chin, canopy split in half between the second and thrid cell on the left hand side.)

All I can say is practice your emergency procedures on the ground, if they are not instinctive, you risk waisting valuable time in the air. My first was scary low for a chop, I was not ready, after that I spent a lot of time on the ground revieing until it was muscle memory, now the drills are all calm, clean and in control.
Downsizing is not the way to prove your manhood.

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Done mine 1 moth ago. A packer packed a lineover for me. Tried to flare it out but it didn't move. Cut. The RSL beat me to my PDR. Open soft, on heading, flied well and landed soft.
You feel smart on the stand up landing, when everybody is telling you good job saving your life and look you kept your handles but you really feel stupid when you sum the bills (spring loaded pilot chute, free bag, shipping, tax & reserve repack).

Reserve rides should not be taken lightly. Packing on my own now. It takes longer but I might win on the long term.
Lock, Dock and Two Smoking Barrelrolls!

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A packer packed a lineover for me.

At least got some to blame....
Some day you might pack for someone else, try to think about your statement after that.


you really feel stupid when you sum the bills (spring loaded pilot chute, free bag, shipping, tax & reserve repack).

Still cheaper than years of medical expenses or a coffin....

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At least got some to blame....

Yes ... ME:(. The packer did a controversy job, fill with warnings signs (trash pack - shake no flake, cocoon, place the bag with the bridle up ... the only thing that I've liked is that he paid attention to keep the slider in the stops). He was not a DZ packer. I knew it and I went ahead with it due to my stupidity and time pressure.
You are right, this doesn't mean that a lineover couldn't happen with a "good looking" pack job, it just happen that this pack job had a higher chance of malfunctions.


Still cheaper than years of medical expenses or a coffin....


However, the after-math for me is that instead of thinking: "Relax I've got a reserve if worse come to worse, jump this trash pack" - taking the possibility of reserve ride lightly - is better to invest more energy into avoiding problems in the first place.

It is good to fly/know your reserve but it's better to do that without having a malfunction, in an area with a lot of space, and having people (3-4) on ground with cars chasing your shit. I think a planned intentional cut-away might be easier on the budget especially if you time it right with the reserve repack.
Dunno how it works with having 3 parachute systems but now, if I would have a choice between having a malfunction or an intentional cut-away at the end of the season I'll take the last one. :)
Jean-Arthur Deda.
Lock, Dock and Two Smoking Barrelrolls!

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neither, I call it Spectre

Now that is funny, seeing how just yesterday I chopped a Spectre 190 loaded at at 1.35 : 1 because of, wait for it, wait for it, spinning line twist.:D

I should go on to say that I have good things to say about spectres. Also, the mal was actually a simple line twist or three combined with a break fire, but yeah, I was spinning pretty good, on my back.

I heard you had two reserve rides that day. If no reserve rides makes you smart or lucky, what's two in one day make you Joe? B|

My first reserve ride was a premature reserve deployment at about 11K. That was a really long ride to the ground.

My second reserve ride was an extremely hard opening on my Spectre 210 that broke a couple lines. I made a few mistakes. I took too long deciding what to do. I did not ceck my altitude before chopping. I considered landing it. It did not occur to me that, since I was flying in full brakes on the left to fly somewhat straight, flaring wouldn't work.

The guy shooting the video flew by screaming for my to chop it. I was (regrettably) unsure, but hearing him yell to chop it helped me decide.


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shake no flake

So? If a canopy has broken in it would be organized with only shake. See yourself!


place the bag with the bridle up

So? Whats wrong with that? I pack that way for 500+ jumps. Goes in, goes out that way.


the only thing that I've liked is that he paid attention to keep the slider in the stops.

Because thats a very important thing......


You are right, this doesn't mean that a lineover couldn't happen with a "good looking" pack job, it just happen that this pack job had a higher chance of malfunctions.

So? For what? Because you have lack of faith? Even your very best packjob can malfunction next time...


I think a planned intentional cut-away might be easier on the budget especially if you time it right with the reserve repack.

Take it easy, its just money. I lost a main once.....

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True virgin here, I only have 2 jumps to my credit and eagerly awaiting 3. I know that each time I jump brings me one step closer to losing my virginity. The thought has crossed my mind that once I am cleared to jump my own gear, just chopping to go ahead and get it out of the way. That's one less thing to think about when you do have that "oh shit" moment and a real mal.

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I currently have 1417 jumps and no reserve rides yet. I pack for my self and I think it's most just luck that I haven't had a RR yet. I don't worry about or really think about it much. Sometimes I pack very neatly and other times I am in a hurry and just rush through the pack job.

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neither, I call it Spectre

My fiancee has 0 reserve rides and 5500 jumps she jumps only 7 cells also first spectre and now omega.

I have 4300 jumps and only 1 reserve ride on sport gear, it was on a maveric 200(at 300 jumps, packing in a hurry), i have owned heatwave 120 (had my hands on the handles a few times), crossfire 109 (not even a linetwist), FX 89 (firm but on heading), JVX 84 (supurb, no linetwists) and JVX 86 (mint).

I have only had 1 tandem R/R and funnily enough my fiancee packed it!!!:D
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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The thought has crossed my mind that once I am cleared to jump my own gear, just chopping to go ahead and get it out of the way.

I'll assume you're joking here and mention for the benefit of others who may read this....

that this is a bad, bad, *bad* idea. Reserves malfunction too. Rigs designed for intentional cutaway have a 3rd parachute on the chest. Check the SIM for the licensing requirements to do an intentional cutaway jump but if I recall it is 200, and the last time I was at a boogie and they were doing skyhook demos they wanted you to have 500.

Cutting away on a sport rig for no reason is reckless to you, your pilot, and your DZ. >:(:S

Back on topic, I'm coming up on 400 jumps and no reserve ride yet. Had multiple linetwists before that had me kicking and checking altitude, but I always got out above 2000'. I think If I get to the point where I have not had a cutaway and the opportunity to jump a tertiary rig presents itself, I'll probably jump it to get the experience.

Lucky? Smart? who knows... I pack for myself 90% of the time when I'm at home, and usually use a packer at least 50% of the time when I'm on vacation.
Good judgement comes from experience, and most of that comes from bad judgement.

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Ever since I became "mud girl" in AFF and they made me cutaway on the ground to clean the rig, I've had nightmares about any RR. I couldn't pull the handle on the ground, so the pressure in the air might be pretty intense. I have since practiced in the hanging harness with my own gear, but that thought crosses my mind every now and then that I might not have the strength to pull my handles under a spinning main. I know I should have chopped my tilt-a-whirl canopy on a jump, but I saved it by kicking like hell out of some serious line twists below and above the slider...especially when I could HEAR my bf screaming (even with my fullface helmet on) for me to kick under his canopy near me. I think it was probably way more dumb than smart...so I can call myself pretty f-ing lucky.

Irgity Dirgity

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Well, I only have 3 jumps so I haven't had to chop yet. Last night I did have a dream that I was doing a training jump and had to demonstrate a cutaway. Its kindof funny because I distinctly remember going through the steps I was trained to do in my dream. Look, grab, arch, pull right, pull left. I even reminded myself, in my dream, to be sure to hook my thumb through the reserve handle. :)I usually go over the steps on the ground while waiting to load the aircraft. I often locate my handles several times while going to altitude and go over the steps in my head. I hope to be lucky enough to have thousands of jumps without a RR but I am going to be sure I am ready, calm, prepared, and instinctive for it whenever it happens.
One of the best feelings in skydiving, to me, is watching the canopy go into a nice beautiful square. Hopefully I will keep seeing that for a while.;)

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I heard you had two reserve rides that day. If no reserve rides makes you smart or lucky, what's two in one day make you Joe?

Well I honestly do not know the answer to this question. I was not using my normal packer, instead I was using the neatest most thourough packer that I know. You know, the one that I send my students to, to learn to pack PROPERLY. My gear is well maintained, and I was doing nothing stupid, that I know of. So call me what you like, although I doubt it will be "lucky".


The thought has crossed my mind that once I am cleared to jump my own gear, just chopping to go ahead and get it out of the way.

As it has already been stated, this is a bad bad idea, unless it is properly planned with the proper gear. Not only dangerous, but illegal with the potential to get others, not just yourself, in trouble. Be sure to remind me the next time you are out and we can discuss this further.

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True virgin here, I only have 2 jumps to my credit and eagerly awaiting 3. I know that each time I jump brings me one step closer to losing my virginity. The thought has crossed my mind that once I am cleared to jump my own gear, just chopping to go ahead and get it out of the way. That's one less thing to think about when you do have that "oh shit" moment and a real mal.

Hopefully your reserve doesn't look like this....

Losers make excuses, Winners make it happen
God is Good
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Swoopers are crazy.

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Last night I did have a dream that I was doing a training jump and had to demonstrate a cutaway. Its kindof funny because I distinctly remember going through the steps I was trained to do in my dream. Look, grab, arch, pull right, pull left. I even reminded myself, in my dream, to be sure to hook my thumb through the reserve handle. :)

Ive had a few dreams recently about cutaways.. The first one was rather scary, that I pulled the reserve, and nothing happened, and i saw myself falling back first into the ground.. I woke up in a cold sweat B|

Then the next dream I had, i managed to pull, and the reserve came out, but It was full of twists and I still hit the ground... B|...
I havent had a dream since... Hopefully this isnt a sign.... :|

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but there are some veryOldTimers with something like 16 rides!
They are amongst us (ThankYouParaGod!)

If u'r Reserve-Virgin, tell me how do you feel about it?
Would you like to stay untouched or would you like to be "experienced"?

edit: oh, I get it, You are anything but virgin!
sorry for bng slow.

Virgin until jump 413

I had 413 jumps when duty called. The choice was easy. After the chop, though, the BIG ring flopped into view and I went for it instead of the RC. Then the reserve pilot chute jumped onto my back and near the bent coat hanger wire that was my "ring site".

In thirty years, then, I've had 10, including three round reserve rides and six tandems. Haven't had on on my personal rig in over a dozen years.
Russell M. Webb D 7014
Attorney at Law
713 385 5676

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I currently have 1417 jumps and no reserve rides yet. I pack for my self and I think it's most just luck that I haven't had a RR yet. I don't worry about or really think about it much. Sometimes I pack very neatly and other times I am in a hurry and just rush through the pack job.

Then you might agree that 95% of our mals are body position. Of course with highly loaded canopies that % may be a bit lower. But to actually "pack" a mal is very difficult, especially when dealing with a 7 cell square canopy. On my 40th B day I let a dzo literally wrap my canopy up around his arms, elbows bent at 90, forearms horizontal, canopy between them and he rotated his arms over one another until he had all the canopy in his arms. He stuffed it in the bag and it came out soft, smooth and on heading. We were proving my statement: if the lines, bridal, and slider are correct, it will open. (again a 7 cell square)- You may not like it, but it will open.
I have been paying a packer since 1999, never know who is packing and still no mals. It will happen sometime, but most likely it will be my fault. IMO.

And of course, do not try this at home;)

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