
What are your goals for this season?

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I've got two of 'em: Get my A licence, and get my B licence ;)

If I can get my "A" by my sky birthday (24 July) I'm happy, and that shouldn't be a problem. I want my "B" by my real birthday (16 September) if possible :S
cavete terrae.

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I don't really have any set goals. Mainly I am wanting to work on my canopy control and freeflying. I would like to be able to fly my sit very well and be doing a decent stand by the end of the season. As for canopy control I would like to be doing small hooks at the end of the season, not going to push that one to hard though until I feel more comfortable with it.

Greenie in training.

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Try and get a second rig together, another 250 jumps by the end of the year would be cool too,
as well as some tracking & canopy coaching and even some 4-way stuff too.

But i'll take whatever comes as usual. ;)

-- Hope you don't die. --

I'm fucking winning

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I've got a whole bunch of goals. Gotta find a Precision dealer around here and then put at least 200 jumps on the canopy he/she sells me. I want to put my bonus from work into all new gear, and enjoy the hell out of it. Wanna make it to the WFFC so I can finaly jump & party with all my friends there that keep making me jealous when they've gone. And I want to get back to teaching student jumpers a lot more, last year I did just enough to keep the raiting.

This year's got a lot of potential. B|

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1. Allready spent my bonus on a new spankin Icarus Safire2.

2. Taking Scott Millers Canopy Course in August.

3. Going to spend a weekend out at SLI for a CASA weekend.

4. Make 100 great skydives (and mama says she buys me a new suit of my choice..did I hear DaKine???bling)

5. Wow, just keep on having fun with friends and breathing in the blue stuff.
So, you bring your beer?

Its 5 o'clock somewhere
POPS #9344

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1) Hit around 250 jumps and C-licence

2) Wingsuits, first flight course and maybe a GTI of my own

3) Go to a BIG boogie in the States or mainland Europe

4) Brand new rig would be nice too, but I'm not holding my breath..:P
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Too stay alive and not get hurt.

Yes, Mar, me too. That, and I'd like to be able to make more jumps per year than months per year. [:/] Last year was bad for me.
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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Break 290mph before the next World Cup Speed Skyiving meet.
second= WFFC!
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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TO GET MY A LICENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i don't use caps that often but ughhhhhh!!!!!!! i'm getting so annoyed. engines, clouds, and wind... c'monnnnnnn... give me something to work with:S:S:S
i loooove my dz but i need 2 jumps a day. or one! i'd be happy with one. and weekdays too would be cool.:S:S>:(rant over
i didn't lose my mind, i sold it on ebay. .:need a container to fit 5'4", 110 lb. cypres ready & able to fit a 170 main (or slightly smaller):.[/ce

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It has always been my dream to jump onto the beach near my home, so my main goal is to hit 500 jumps this season and get my D license. Mainly because I want to get in on the Wildwood, NJ boggie which requires a D license. Tough goal, but I plan on trying to make it happen...Safely that is!

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SIMPLE STUFF: Stay healthy and do lots of jumps. Influence others to higher safety precautions. Keep learning. Have fun. Pay attention to my family and freinds. Live life to its fullest. ;)

We have a few competitions lined up. (Danish nationals plus either Swedish or Norwegian nationals) That will be a great opportunity to see how much I have learned in regards to my 4-way skydiving skills - I hope our team does great.

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