
No Beer

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Well what do you do in a situation where beer is the tradition.
We had a first jumper initiation and the whole thing is about beer and drinking as much as you can and the balance going down your pants.
One guy brought a Coke, and the Inst was horrified.
He gave him a choice - Beer or naked run to the student landing pit.
He chose the beer and I had the privilage of pouring 99% of it down his pants. He just pretended to drink some of the foam.

Afterwards, I got thinking, what if he was in AA, or recovering from an alcohol thing or lost a family member or friend to drinking and driving. He was the designated driver to all his friends. Our DZ is also an hour drive from home.

I later found out he was a Doctor (Chiropractor) and has probably seen more damage than good from drinking and driving.

I felt quite bad.

But he did get me back taking me Rap jumping the next weekend........:S

I think true friendship is under-rated

Twitter: @Dreamskygirlsa

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wow. you guys are pretty quick to pass judgement on someone because of their opinion.

I have knowledge of at least 5 incidents that happened after someone left the DZ after having enjoyed a few. I call them incidents, but they all had varying degrees of tragedy, from injury to death.

shame on you guys for slamming him and calling him prejudiced without knowing his reasons.
Arlo, I have to love ya for all of the fun you love to have, but also for being smart about it. I myself am guilty of putting too much emphasis on the "beer rules". Maybe we should all take a quick look at what we really do to the sport when we "push" for all of these "firsts" payment.

Go with the water and/or Gatoraid...I know I would have appreciated the effort!B|

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The peer pressure at DZ’s is often huge, and tolerance of other peoples’ differences can be lacking. But your personal beliefs are just as valid on the DZ as off it, and they should be respected. This isn’t about how you phrased your question (which I took as just being your joking way of saying “everyone put your thinking caps on”.) If you have a personal belief against buying alcohol for other people, that’s just fine. Anyone who, knowing your personal feelings on the subject, persists on being offended by your preference to not buy alcohol for them is being pretty closed-minded. Fortunately, you’ll find most people to be understanding and welcoming.

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i guess my issue wasn't so much with the beer, per se, but more with the lack of respect given for his choice not to buy beer itself. traditions in this sport can be fun! but faulting someone for not wanting to buy beer just didn't sound right.

granted, the original poster might have been a bit more tactful with his wording (and i think he apologized for that).

take care wally!

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I don't drink or buy alcohol either (for religious reasons) but I also lost a dad to drinking. I, too, have voiced this concern and was told root beer was just fine. It's nice to know I'm not the only one.

I don't look down on those who drink either but I was kind of concerned about the whole thing. I have felt nothing but respect from other jumpers when I talked about this issue. You will be fine! Have fun!
Mrs. WaltAppel

All things work together for good to them that love God...Romans 8:28

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