
Ipods and hearing loss

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Ok, am I the only kid of the '80s that remembers their parents wigging out about the old Walkmans and that we would all go deaf. Then the same crap when CD players first came out in affordable portable versions in the 90s?

Atleast the talking heads have something to talk about that is simply common sense.:D
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No, you are no the only kid that remembers that. When you are wearing the earpieces and you turn up the music so loud that you cannot hear at least mumbling when someone speaks to you, then you are an idiot.
PMS#28, Pelogrande Rodriguez#1074
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It doesnt even have to be that loud to cause damage. I listen to my Ipod nearly every day at work. I had to go to the Dr for a physical and they checked my hearing. My hearing wasnt bad, but the first question he asked was if I had an Ipod. Sure enough it was in my pocket right then.

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I don't think you will go deaf but your may develop titinus from prolong use of earphones / headphones or just loud backgroung noise.

College roommate was a club DJ, back when Techno was called House Music. Headphones while mixing, and bumpin' bass in his Walkman while riding his bike all over campus. I still don't know how he could stand listening to House Music all day, but the point is he had chronic tinitus when was 23.

OrFunV/LocoBoca Rodriguez/Sonic Grieco/Muff Brother #4411
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...or just loud backgroung noise.

like airplane engines and motorcycles??? :o Either way....protect your hearing because you may want to use it when you're old.... :P

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Hi ,

I've just seen this today.


Which is very unfortunate as my 60GB ipod just arrived 1 hour ago.

I supose i could just use it for storing pictures and movies.

I wonder if it big enough to hold my porn collection :P

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Part of the problem is the tiny little earpeices, get some of those
big ass ones that cover your whole ear and stop sound leakage
so you don't have to have em so loud. Also good for blocking out
the sounds of annoying idiots.

But I think the biggest prob for a skydiver is not wearing earplugs in
the plane. This will kill your hearing 10 times faster than your iplod.
I see so many people doing this, why?

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K guys - everyone call your broker and start short-selling Apple stock. In two days, start buying. This will likely cause a 5-point drop, followed by another press release stating that iPods don't cause any ear damage, after which Apple will rebound +7.

And you thought these news stories were just news stories; no one can possibly be making money by manipulating the media :P
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I remember that too. I also remember walkmans started coming with ear defence switches which prevented the music from peaking over a certain db level. That was because someone tried to sue over those. :S

I don't think the proposed lawsuit has any reasonable prospects of success; in fact I'd go as far as to say it is an absolutely ridiculous claim founded only on stupidity... well that's for the UK anyway... no idea about the US.

My hearing's fucked from shooting and skydiving... my use of an MP3 player certainly comes way down on the list.

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