What's in Your CD Player?

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I don't have an MP3 Player hook-up in the car, so I make my own CDs. The one in there now is called Cocktails with the Brightwell's. It has:

big band, PJ Harvey, Jamaroqui, maraichi, mambo, bossa nova, Radiohead, jazz, Edith Piaf, and more.....
PMS#28, Pelogrande Rodriguez#1074
My Pink M

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in my home office cd player- joe stump: speed metal messiah.
in my alarm clock cd player- primus: antipop.
in my car cd player: black label society: sonic brew.
for now, the car cd player usually sees 3-4 different disc a day beacuse i spend 2-2.5 hours commuting to and from work. but i've got a jamming system so it's not so bad. cheers
diamonds are a dawgs best friend

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Ben Folds-- Landed and Rockin' the Suburbs. Still on a high (and hungover) from his concert Wed night. NIN's With Teeth, Jonatha Brooke's Back in the Circus, Wilco's Kicking Television.

"That's not flying. That's falling with style."

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Lesseee....got a 6 disc changer in the truck.

Jeff Carson
Billy Currington
Andy Griggs
Buddy Jewell
Tracy Lawrence
Josh Turner

But I'm currently being onery and went back to my "roots" and have been listening to an Alternative Rock station on the radio instead! ;)

Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance

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I haven't turned on my CD since I went digital a year or two back. I got 5000 songs in my back pocket at all times, and a radio link into the car stereo for it.

No doubt...........only reason I put a CD in my computer is to RIP the songs. :D Still don't have an IPOD but I'll be getting that when I get home.

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CD player ? You might as well ask what's in my 8 track.

I haven't turned on my CD since I went digital a year or two back. I got 5000 songs in my back pocket at all times, and a radio link into the car stereo for it.

As for what's on it, it's always on shuffle. It's nice to see what weird combintaions come up, like having Pantera followed by the Bonzo Dog Band.

Bonzo Dog - they came to our college May Ball in 1966 and 1967. What a hoot.

PS, CDs are digital.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Guest 1010
The Dixie Chicks :)

You can have it good, fast, or cheap: pick two.

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