
What was your worst job?

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Bank Teller. Definitely the worst. Even worse than fast food (Roy Rogers) I knew it was over when I came up $0.42 short one day and was accused of stealing from the bank.>:(
Skydivers don't knock on Death's door. They ring the bell and runaway... It really pisses him off.
-The World Famous Tink. (I never heard of you either!!)
AA #2069 ASA#33 POPS#8808 Swooo 1717

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You guys will hate me, but I'll answer anyways:

A restaurant server.

I did that for an entire 2 months. It was NOT worth my time or the $$$. I made better $$$ doing things that did not require me putting up with OPS.>:(

Call me a snob. Hate me. My hunny was a server and a head bartender for YEARS. He even managed a few high-end restaurants. We are SO different. I would have literally pulled every last hair out of my head before one night was finished, much less the years he seemed to do that:S I have a royal need to tell people to "suck it" if they're not treating me appropriately.

But, as a customer, I'm great. I tip well, and am not the picky type.:)
So all's fair;)
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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Paperboy. Having to chase people down for a buck fifty at the end of the week was HELL. The kid from "Better Off Dead" was no exaggeration.

Was that the movie where the paperboy on his bike followed John Cusak around everywhere he went, even the ski slope, hollering; "I want my two dollahs!"?

That was the movie I was thinking of.


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I was DirecTV technical support while going to school. The overriding concern on all phone calls, no matter what problem the customer was having:
End the call in less than five minutes.

Management didn't care in the slightest if any problems actually got fixed. Irate customer? Let 'im cancel, there's plenty more where he came from. If I could get the customer angry enough to swear at me, then I could legitimately hang up on him and hey presto, got that call done in four minutes.

Thou shalt Follow the Script.
Thou shalt not deviate from the Script.
The Script is never wrong.
The Script is always sufficient for any problem.
If thou believest thou hast encountered a problem not covered by the Script, then thou shalt place the customer on hold long enough to pretend to be consulting a supervisor, then make up whatever bullshit solution seemest best to thee.
Thou Shalt Always Resolve Calls In Less Than Five Minutes.



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i had to have call times less than 7 minutes.. with some slow ass computers it took just that long to do a power cycle.... ihated call time limits.. some of my calls were 30 minutes, but i got em back on line though.... damn usb modems, and 169 ip adresses suck.......

"i have no reader's digest version"

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