
Freefly Suit Designs!!

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I am about to buy me a freefly suit and im goin to go with the FireFly freefly suit, and ive already takin my measurements, but the thing is im not very creative... The stock designs she has are ok, but im looking for something different if at all possible. Im not looking to straight up copy another individuals suit, im just asking if you would please post some pics, if your willing to, of your freefly suit to help me with my suit design! Just any graphical input will help. Thanks

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Ask at the local art and design college. I bet they would have a student who would love to design the suit and see if finished.

They may be able to submit the work as part of the course or something.

Two of the three voices in my head agree with you. It might actually be unanimous but voice three only speaks Welsh.

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