
Is walking really one of the best exercises?

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Reading about walking as a fat burning tool.

Essentially the claim is that low-medium exertion + long duration + high aerobic = best fat burning

Anyone have any knowledge or applicable experience to contribute?
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Run to get the heart rate going and then walk fast. If possible, stay off the pavement for the running part. Nice soft college/high school tracks are great. Swimming is easier on the old bod.
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ok, here's my opinion for what it's worth. I'm a PT Assistant and I've studied exercise physiology for a long time. But still, people's opinions will differ on what is "best".

Swimming is great, especially if you have existing joint problems. However, provided you are healthy and have no musculoskeletal problems, you really should include some weight bearing activities in your workout.

Running is too hard on the body. Great for my business, but no so great on the hips, knees and feet....and neck...you get the picture.

Walking is a great alternative. The pace you set depends on the time you have. A one-hour walk at a moderate pace (breathing a little hard but can easily carry on conversation) will burn plenty of fat and work on endurance and strength as well. If you have only 20-30 minutes, go at a much faster clip. Really get the arm swings into it (elbows bent though so momentum doesn't help you out), and strike with the heel of your foot each step, rolling onto ball of foot as you swing through with the other leg.

Blah blah.....what do you expect from a professional nag?:)

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Good, sounds like I'm doing it right.

I and my dogs walk 2 miles every morning, no matter the weather.

Needless to say, this morning was very wet[:/]
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Reading about walking as a fat burning tool.

Essentially the claim is that low-medium exertion + long duration + high aerobic = best fat burning

Anyone have any knowledge or applicable experience to contribute?

Just flexing your muscles is a workout and you can do it sitting down or anywhere. Stretching uses your muscles!!!!!!!! Does the theory of using your muscles to burn fat make any sense!!!!

Sorry I just stopped by to make a post and saw this. Come on people.... use your muscles!

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Aerobic exercise makes you burn fat. Muscles burn calories much more efficiently and therefore speed up your metoblism, thus fighting fat better, so to speak.

And resistance creates muscle. I can get into the specifics of which types of muscle contractions use the most energy, but then again, I'm just too tired.

Suffice it to say that sitting in place flexing your muscle with no other resistance is not going to burn fat for you or build muscle.

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