
Prayers for skydivers and their families in Sullivan, Missouri

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Oh no...condolences to the family and friends of those involved. Fly free forever.
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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I got the news about 3 hours after it happened. I started AFF at QL last year. QL is my home DZ.

They were my friends. I have my rig in for some work or I would have been there. I knew everyone but the tandem student.

I miss them and am so sad they are gone.

BSBD, you will not be forgotten.......
Twin Otter N203-Echo,29 July 2006
Cessna P206 N2537X, 19 April 2008
Blue Skies Forever

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Heaven is getting crowded. Sad sad times.

Before anyone thinks about getting out of the sport, please consider that you probably wouldn't quit driving if your friends died in a car. All planes can crash, even lightly loaded otters. Your friends wouldn't want you to quit jumping either. Hug your friends when you can. Blue skies

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i'm so very sorry to hear of this tragic accident. today is the anniversary we lost 4 of our deland friends to a plane crash, so my heart is really touched by this. you guys are gonna need each other to help you through these horrible times.

godspeed to those who have passed and love and light to the families and friends. :( this is so incredibly sad. wow. :(

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Prayers sent for those lost to us and their families.

Special prayers to the the person left in the hospital. Prayers for their healing and for peace in their heart. It is tragic to lose those with you and it is also scary to be the one left behind.

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I did my AFF at Quantum Leap and was deeply sadden to hear about the accident. I miss no longer being in that area, because the people there were alot of fun to be around. My first 4-way was with the two owners, Scott and Jim Cowan, and Rob Walsh one of their employees. I was fortunate to to have that experience, I had only 30 jumps at that time and it is the one skydive that kept me coming back. I owe my love of the sport to those guys.

My heart goes out to the entire Family at Quantum Leap.

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I just moved from North Carolina to here (right outside St. Louis) last month. I began jumping at Sullivan 3 weeks ago, claiming it as my new home DZ. Everyone was so friendly and wonderful. They adopted me right away. I had a great weekend with them last weekend, logging 12 really fun dives. We were planning to celebrate my 100th this weekend. I did not go out there yesterday because of home obligations, but was heading out this morning when I got the news.

I cannot describe the feelings of emptiness learning about my new friends who have perished. You will always be remembered.

Blue Skies Forever

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This really has been a tough year.:(

My prayers and condolences go out to anyone who has been directly affected by this horrible tragedy.:(

Does anyone know if any of the victims were dz.commers? PM appreciated.

Very sad day indeed.


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