
Brag on your hunny thread

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What did you do...marry her when she was THREE?!B|

It was an arranged marrige. I heard they had to give each other a cottom mill or something...

Two of the three voices in my head agree with you. It might actually be unanimous but voice three only speaks Welsh.

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Well, here is a picture of me and my hottie! This picture was taken the night after we got married in St. Lucia.

I knew at the very beginning that I wanted to be with her. She is absolutely amazing and the best thing about her is she is hilarious. I don't think I've ever met someone that makes me laugh like she can.

The funny thing about it is, we actually met at a bar. That was always a huge no no with me! There was something about her that I just couldn't resist!

The Original Cabana Boy!

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My wife is the greatest...she gave up so much so I could continue my military career, and she si really supportive of my jumping from perfectly good airplanes....im trying to get her to jump but she won't......anyways she takes care of my kids and house so I dont have that worry while Im away doing my thing.....:ph34r:

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What did you do...marry her when she was THREE?!B|

It was an arranged marriage. I heard they had to give each other a cotton mill or something...


Don't know about the cotton mill...but if those two have been married for 22 years...either that's a REALLY old picture, or SOMEONE made a deal with the devil!>:(

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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my wife and i started dating three years ago in August. i had mentioned to her ONCE that i had been in a commercial for see and say toys and she said she remembered the commercial.

she had looked online for nostalgia commercials, etc. but never found the one i was in. she decided to call mattel inc. and managed to get a v.p. of advertising on the phone. it took quite a bit of work, but somehow she got someone to find a commercial that was filmed 32 years ago.

on my birthday that january, she surprised me with a copy of the commercial i was in, as well as a copy for my dad.

and that is an example of the small stuff she does for me.

pulling is cool. keep it in the skin

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What did you do...marry her when she was THREE?!

What do you have against cradle robbers?

When my hunny jumped out of his first airplane, I was swinging from the monkey bars:D

I still remember when we first realized the age difference. It was my first time over to his place---he had a photo album and there it was---his graduation picture:

"CLASS OF '88??????":o:o:o

He replied, "Yes, why? What were you?"

"Class of '98";) (and I graduated HS at 17):P
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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as much as this sugar coated, sickly sweet topic makes me want to vomit.... i'll post a picture of my "hunny"

thank god i was pissed when i met her :o she turns my stomach now, but at least she is so greatful everytime i take her out (ugly fuckers are just so greatful to have somebody, could have been worse.. the bitch could have been ginger B| )


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My hunny and I have been together for 15 years.

We've 'kinda' known each other longer than that, but just never met.

We use to run into each other at different air shows all over the country, she was a performer-pilot and I'm a performer skydiver...they really don't mix well.

We finally met when I jumped into Chicago's Hawthorne Racetrack...Night Pyro-jump for some special event there...no horse racing because there was a BLIZZARD going on!:S

The winds were howling so the other guys were blown all over the place, I landed on spot in front of the indoor grandstands...chopped the main to keep from getting dragged and headed in to the BAR!B|

I guess she told her date for the event---:ph34r:
"That's it... I GOTTA go meet that guy!" and walked up to me and introduced herself...B|

We've been together since that moment!:)

She's a remarkable woman, Airline Captain, Aerobatic Pilot, fluent in 5 languages, runs 1/2 dozen marathons a year, a real type "A"....she's almost my exact opposite!;)

We have three kids that we adopted from Russia 8 years ago...when I'm not jumping and she's not flying...we're all traveling!B|

If I'd have know being 'tied down' was this good...I'd have done it YEARS ago!:$

That's my sweetie on the left~

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Well today my love was promoted to Major!!!

I am so very proud of her and what she has accomplished!!

She is the love of my life, attached is a photo of her and I in Alasad Iraq. She will be home in Sep.

Stay safe my love!!
BSBD...........Its all about Respect,

USPA#-7062, FB-2197, Outlaw 499

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Well today my love was promoted to Major!!!

I am so very proud of her and what she has accomplished!!

She is the love of my life, attached is a photo of her and I in Alasad Iraq. She will be home in Sep.

Stay safe my love!!


Congrats to the Major!B|

And she's in our prayers for a safe return home.

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Don't know about the cotton mill...but if those two have been married for 22 years...either that's a REALLY old picture, or SOMEONE made a deal with the devil!>:(

Nope, I have one of those shirts and I can vouch that they didn't exist till last summer.

John and Valinda just really are *that* damned cute. :D
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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It's amazing how many skydivers marry way out of their league. :D:D:D



Which airline does that beautiful woman fly for?


"The Proud Bird With the Golden Tail";)
Remember THAT ad campaign???

She's type rated in 727,747,757,767,777...and has 20,000 hrs. We get along so well because I always give her the old~~~"if riding in an airplane is flying, then sitting in a boat is swimming" argument!;)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Well today my love was promoted to Major!!!

I am so very proud of her and what she has accomplished!!

She is the love of my life, attached is a photo of her and I in Alasad Iraq. She will be home in Sep.

Stay safe my love!!

Congrats to the Missus Arvel :)Nice shirt in the pic btw ;)
See you soon sweetie!

You are led through your lifetime by the inner learning creature, the playful spiritual being that is your real self.-Richard Bach

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