
What Really Dumb Things did You do as a Kid?

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I lead a very charmed life. If not for a very long lucky streak, I would have been in really bad shape long ago because of some really dumb things I have done.

I was thinking about some of the really dumb things I did as a kid and would like to hear what others have done.

Here's a few things I can think of:

* BB gun fights without eye protection.
* Firecracker fights.
* Bottle rocket fights.
* Roman candle fights.
* Eating broken glass.
* Various dumb things with gasoline.

Got any good ones?


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When I was a kid, fire always fascinated me. I lit several things (napkins, plastic bags..love how plastic melts!) on fire and when it would get out of control, I would run and hide or better yet, throw the thing that was on fire:S. THANK GOD, my kids don't have that fascination!! Actually fire still fascinates me, but I am much more respectful of it now.;)

A miracle is not defined by an event. A miracle is defined by gratitude.

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I played Harry Houdini in my garage and wound up falling 12 feet, head first, onto concrete. I only remember waking up in the hospital ICU and wondering how much trouble I would be in if I started removing the EEG pads from my body. B|
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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Those are some good ones! The skating thing reminds me of something else I did. We had a really steep driveway I got two skateboards (one for each foot) and tried riding them down the driveway.

Naturally, they skateboards went outward and I fell on my back, knocking the wind out of me. D'oh!!!!


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My son the other day "walked" around the block with cross country skis on!! No snow, 70 degree weather. Freakin' Nut case!!:D:D:D I asked him why he was doing it, he said, "cause I can. I wanna see what it feels like.":S Thank goodness they were a really old pair of skis.:D:D

A miracle is not defined by an event. A miracle is defined by gratitude.

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"sledding" down the stairs in a sleeping bag.

I remember doing that... it was fun...

My brother and a friend of his decided to throw Snowballs into a snowblower (pre-safety cutoff days...) come to think of it... that didn't work out too well... he lost the tip of his index finger during that instance...

Lets see:
I've been known to swing on vines (just like tarzan B|)
Climbing very large/tall trees
My parents used to own that lawn dart game (ah, good clean fun)

I've played with fireworks though not very often.

I can't really think of anything else off the top of my head...
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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* BB gun fights without eye protection. B|
* Firecracker fights. B|
* Bottle rocket fights.B|
* Roman candle fights. B|
* Eating broken glass.
* Various dumb things with gasoline. B|
* Skateboarding behind car...at close to 40 mph and getting "the shakes" B|
* Skateboarding down ridiculously steep hills, luge syle B|
* Sledding down ridiculously steep hill...through an intersection at the bottom and under the fence designed to keep pedestrians off of I-5 :D
* "surfing" on top of a car doing 35 mph B|
* running and jumping from top of staircase onto skateboard waiting at bottom B|

The B|'s resulted in trips to the ER. I'm sure there were many more. :S:D

(drink Mountain Dew)

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My dad's car had the electric cigarette lighter in it. One day, I pushed it in, and decided to see how hot it was. Left concentric rings on my finger for a week.

My neighborhood was big on jumping ramps with bicycles. One day, I tried to jump a pile of rubbish that was too high. Hit the ramp at full speed. Landed face first in the dirt. Broke my collar bone, and chipped two neck bones. Didn't tell my family, 'cause I was WAY afraid of what my mother would do to me. To this day, my left shoulder is rotated forward. It's really noticeable when I stand on my head for a while. If I'm not careful, I started rapidly rotating to the right after about 5000' of swoop. ;):S
We are all engines of karma

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Who will jump from the highest point. Would have been fun but we were jumping onto concrete. I broke my arm but didn't tell my parents. (They found out when they were trying to take my shirt off to take a bath and I wouldn't move my arm.) Now I get to jump from planes!

I rather enjoyed playing tag in the woods, in the trees, no touching the ground. Actually that was not dumb, that was fun.

PS: Never walk from tree to tree without bounce testing the branches first.

PPS: Never jump from tree to tree thinking I can grab that branch as I fall. (Unless you have bounce tested that branch.)
"That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch

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mainly trying stunts on the bicycle:
-trying to ride with both feet on the handlebar
-trying to ride stanting with 1 foot on the saddle, 1 foot on the handlebar
-cycling across a rope tied to the back of another bike
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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* "surfing" on top of a car doing 35 mph

Ah, yes, we used to do that to. One night in college, after a night of drinking, I hoped on my buddies car and wanted to surf to the stop sign. They ended up taking me across the entire town ON THE INTERSTATE doing about 70. I'll never forget the look on peoples' faces as we passed them.

My best friend's brother (who is now one of my best friends) had an Oldsmobile Cutlass. In Louisiana, the Interstates are very flat. Martin and I would climb into the back seat while Phil kicked the Cutlass up to 80. Then, we'd stand up on the back seat on our tippy-toes, lean into the wind and "track" (...I didn't know it was called tracking then).
We are all engines of karma

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Lawn darts? Yeah!!!!

Reminds me of another dumb thing I did. I got a bow and arrow set for Christmas. Naturally, it didn't take long for me to start getting "creative" with it.

It started out with rubberbanding firecrackers to an arrow and shooting it straight up. No problem because I was using an arrow that had the tip broken off.

One day, though, I shot an arrow (no firecrackers) with a tip straight up. While marveling at the height and trajectory, I noticed that it was going to come down awfully close to my neighbor, who was working in the garden next to his house.

Did I say anything to warn him? Aw hell no!!! I'm not sure why. Maybe I was hoping he wouldn't notice!

Anyway, the arrow came down and stuck in his roof about 3 feet horizontally from him.


He had loads of reason to beat my ass, call the police, etc., but instead he got a ladder, pulled the arrow out of his roof, gave it back to me (How dumb was that?!!!!) and gave me a very stern warning not to do it again.

I learned my lesson and started doing it only when he wasn't out in his yard.


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* "surfing" on top of a car doing 35 mph

Ah, yes, we used to do that to. One night in college, after a night of drinking, I hoped on my buddies car and wanted to surf to the stop sign. They ended up taking me across the entire town ON THE INTERSTATE doing about 70. I'll never forget the look on peoples' faces as we passed them.

My best friend's brother (who is now one of my best friends) had an Oldsmobile Cutlass. In Louisiana, the Interstates are very flat. Martin and I would climb into the back seat while Phil kicked the Cutlass up to 80. Then, we'd stand up on the back seat on our tippy-toes, lean into the wind and "track" (...I didn't know it was called tracking then).

I should clarify. We got going faster than 35, that just happened to be our rate of travel when the driver slammed on the brakes and got me to do a somewhat convincing superman impression. :D

(drink Mountain Dew)

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i drank a whole bottle of dimetapp when i was a kid because i thought it tasted really yummy - had to get my stomach pumped - but i'm still here :)

i know there was some really stupid crap i did but i'll have to think about it and get back to you - but that was the first thing that popped in my head
"life does throw curveballs sometimes but it doesn't mean we shouldn't still swing for the homerun" ~ me

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Wow...several of these sound vaguely familiar.
- Sledding down stairs in laundry basket
- Car surfing at nearly 70 mph
- BB gun fights on 4 wheelers
- Firecracker fights
- Seeing how many of those arial shells we could cram into the tube and still get them to launch
- Crawled out the side window of a truck driving down a curvy road to get in the back where the beer cooler was
- Climbed everything in sight

Here's to the Breezes that blows through the Trezzez.....

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Tightrope walking on a barbed-wire fence.
Sliding down a steep hill on a skateboard with a board on top (at least I was smart enough not to try it on my feet). I ruined by brand-new shoes using the outsides of the heels to stop.
Playing Tarzan swinging on a vine across a break in the path around a ravine (boy was that cool, too)
Playing in the street when it was flooded because of a rainstorm. Dumb in this case because we had open sewers.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I ate a bottle of sleeping pills and stopped breathing on the way to the hospital - emergency tonsillectomy, stomach pumped, and a 2 day stay.

I walked over hot stove burners with bare feet.

Pissed in a cup and told the neighbor girl it was lemonade (yes, she drank it).

Was hanging upside down on the merry go round, fell, turned over and the hanging bolts cut open the back of my head.

I slammed my middle finger in the car door on a dare from my brother.

I'm sure there are more.... I was the youngest and had to be the toughest to keep up with my brother and his friends.

Oh, I liked to stick my tongue on frozen things.... yeah, I am missing chunks of my tongue.

For some reason I was attracted to the electrical fences on the farm - I would have to test them out. :S

"Let's do something romantic this Saturday... how bout we bust out the restraints?"
Raddest Ho this side of Jersey #1 - MISS YOU
OMG, is she okay?

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