
Can't knock the Infinity

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After comparing the javelin and infinity in another post, I thought about what i like about my infinity.

For those infinity owners out there. Is there anything about the infinity you would change, or are you like me? Do you think the infinity is the single best rig on the market?

I think the infinity has hit every point. I would like to hear what people think is better on other rigs.

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the only gripe i have with mine is that the rsl seems to pull out of it's hiding place on most jumps. probably something i'm doing though. there's no risk of it deploying the reserve or anything, just the nuisance of having to stow it after almost every jump.
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MB4252 TDS699
killing threads since 2001

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I had a customer this past summer that had the measurements done incorrectly the summer before. I contacted them, re-measured him, took pictures, took the components apart, shipped the rig and they did an excellent job. He got a new harness and they shipped it back free of charge in about 3 weeks.

Very rigger friendly rig as well. B|

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Yeah, the risers go under the secondary riser cover (the piece that is integrated into one of the reserve flaps.) It works best if you lay the risers side by side to distribute the bulk.

For the RSL, there has to be some slack in the setup. You can try a couple of different things to see what works for you. After the RSL is seated in its channel, you can pull some of the slack back towards the reserve container and stash it under your #1 flap. Another option is to pull the slack forward toward the 3ring and stash it in the little pocket by the D-Ring sort of under the reserve risers. There shouldnt be much slack, but if its pulled all the way forward you might feel it flap on your neck in certain positions.

The new Infinity's have a tuck tab style thing to address that problem and it works pretty well :)
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The rsl is the only complaint I have also.

I don't know what is to complain about it. Before I removed my RSL, the excess stayed perfectly stowed. A big advantage of VSE's RSL is that it has no velcro, which can destroy webbing, etc. such as a reserve riser if the hook is accidentally left exposed.
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like i mentioned, it's probably the way i put it together. my rig is all apart for it's winter cleaning and hibernation, so when i put it back together i'll have the manual handy. i did have it in it's little channel thing, but i never seemed to get the slack right and when i was under canopy, the normal riser movement would pull out soem of the rsl. i'll get it figured.
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
MB4252 TDS699
killing threads since 2001

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The ONLY change I would make to mine would be a longer chest strap, which is pretty damned minor

I had him put a longer one on for me....it helps;)

Me too. He sewed it while I watched. Reminded me that I can sew quilts pretty well but I have a whole lot to learn in the real world.


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I seem to break the plastic stiffener in the tuck tab on the main closing flap at least once a year. The new ones now have an angle on the right side, and I have yet to see a broken stiffener in one. I think my next replacement will include the angled tab, and not just the plastic... :$

All in all, the Infinity is a great rig, but then so are many of the rigs from the other manufacturers. What attracted me initially was their reputation and - to be honest - the price. But what has kept me is their customer service.

BTW; there are fixes for that RSL slack. Talk to Kelly or your rigger.

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I have 2 identical ones and they are both awesome. Not much to complain about. Great for those 25+ jump days! I'm sure I could nit-pic and think of some general wear thing that has happened to every rig at one point or another. But as was previously mentioned, a company that knows how to treat a customer with respect, promptness, and real world answers will always come out ahead. I feel the same way about PD. Superior products and friendly service.

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I not entirely sure I understand your complaint, but if you are putting your main risers under the secondary cover I think you are making a mistake. I'm pretty sure they only go under the first cover.

I think this is about the tuck tabs part of the riser covers (not the secondary cover along the reserve sides). The main risers can go under both covers at this point. Wings containers don't allow it, but Kelly F confirmed it was OK for the Infinity.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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