
Does anyone have a Zune?

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YES, 10 x's better then any Ipod I've ever had! & tons more storage capacity, the video clarity & resolution are incredible! Schwweeeeet!:)
*My Inner Child is A Fucking Prick Too!
*Everyones entitled to be stupid but you are abusing the priviledge
*Well I'd love to stay & chat, But youre a total Bitch! {Stewie}

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Yep. I had no intentions of EVER buying a iPod or any other mp3 player until I saw a Zune at compusa. I picked it up and played the snowboarding video that comes on it and was sold on the spot. My First thought was skydiving videos are gonna kick ass on this thing! No comparrission to the iPod. The zune kicked it's ass right out of the gate..

Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.

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ummmm I don't putchase Music. i have a big enough CD collection that I burn straight to my player so as for buying music the xune plays more formats then the iPod WHICH only plays the mp4's which yuo have to buy from the istore or whatever that thing is. Now I am not a ipod/zune/mp3 geek so I can be totaly wrong but every thing I have put on my zune has played with the exception of the ipod/quick time stuff..

Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.

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Interested to hear what ppl think about the Zune


You mean "Flop"

You mean "Pathetic Rip Off"?

You mean "Why doesn't it show up in the sales statiscics and media? We're the biggest and richest technology company in the world, dammit!"

Well, honestly...

Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet.


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can you put your dvd's on the zune? I have not found a way to put my own movies on my ipod. If the zune will do it I will have a barely used 80gig ipod for sale cheap.

Death is so permanant, and I'm just not ready for that kind of committment.

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YES, 10 x's better then any Ipod I've ever had! & tons more storage capacity, the video clarity & resolution are incredible! Schwweeeeet!:)

Como se huh?:S The Zune maxes out at 30GB. The video iPod comes in 60GB & 80GB flavors for just $40 & $100 more.
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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