
So you want to be a paratrooper huh?

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Pretty cool shit. How fast are those C-17s going on jump run? 150kts? Those guys were horizontal with their deployment...:D

So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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is it wrong to get an erection while watching that? :)
(stand to attention, whips cock out and wanks like a monkey)

I like the 'landing' sequence...

"Boots...Ass & Head....can't believe I'm not dead!" B|

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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So you want to be a paratrooper huh?

Hell fucking no. Only way I'm jumping a round is if I'm landing in water, and even as strong of a swimmer as I am, I'm not eager to land in the water with all that crap ;)
cavete terrae.

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So you want to be a paratrooper huh?

Hell fucking no. Only way I'm jumping a round is if I'm landing in water, and even as strong of a swimmer as I am, I'm not eager to land in the water with all that crap ;)

Get her a dress! :P

~ "Pack Fast, Pull Low... and Date Your Riggers WIFE!" ~

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Ahhhhhhh Memories......

Here they have fancy new airplanes.. and they are still doing it the same we we were doing it 35 years ago....woo hoo... tradition.


Did they have women para-troops 35 years ago? In 1970, (37 years ago)when I went through jump school, there wasn't any women allowed.

A few years later, that all changed. I can't recall what year that was....Steve1

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The mid 70's was a huge time of change. I went in early 1974 when I got assigned to the USAF Water Survival School. I was USAF and in one of the very few USAF AFSC that were allowed to go to Jump School and to be on jump status because we trained air crews how to bail out and do that Return with Honor thing. We got to draw that big bump in pay of $55.....but even still we had to go play nice with the Army at Ft Benning to get our wings. There were 6 women in my class who were going to be riggers and guys there from the AF.. NAVY and Marines as well as the ARMY who were slotted to go onto the 82nd or other airborne units. We got to jump out of C-130 and C-141 for our 5 jumps.. after that....back at our base ...mostly Hueys or CH-3. After jump school we had far less stringent jump routines. By the time I got to go to Benning I had about 35 skydives... and had done about 15 water landings under parasails( we used those to train aircrew how to do water landings from 700 ft.)

I did get to jump several other times with the ARMY.. and it was like nothing had changed from jump school.. and we got to kid the ARMY guys when they started with the same procedures that we did not use since jump school:P Usually we just jump mastered ourselves... #3 from the skids was the jumpmaster.... spotted and pointed to #1 then pointed out was our GO... Count to 3...point at #2....then point out the door...count to 3 and go yourself.

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Know any OTHER service that ISSUES pajamas?!;)

Really?? Basic training must have been cozy... :P
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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yea you would hit the ground hard every time.. even with a good PLF that would suck... particularly if the jump wasnt 'hollywood' (no combat gear) like the one in the Vid....I liked being skinny and light.. but no f'n way was i jumping a Dragon or a Mortar those guys were really nuts...... fuck that...

still nice vid... i wonder who he had to blow to get permission for the camera...
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Thanks for the nostalgia!

It's been 47 years since I floated down over Sicily DZ at Bragg so my memory of it could be wrong but it sure does look like Sicily DZ. First jump there: March 1960.

I have a 14 year old daughter and I've been telling her about how her dad was a 82nd Airborne paratrooper since she was maybe 3 months old.

Thanks for giving me a video that surpasses all the pics I've shown her! A big thrill for us both.

I am not DB Cooper

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I sure have enjoyed learning how to enjoy jumping out of planes now that I'm jumping a ram air canopy. Airborne jumps are just no fun. I've spent a bit of time with the 82nd and although thrilling, you just dont have good landings with those rounds. The knowledge that you are about to get your ass kicked every time you jump takes the fun out of the short time under canopy.

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Thanks for posting that.
It was awesome!

(It scares me to death to see that many rounds in one place thoughB|)

Sending love and light to all the families of the fallen this week.


You are led through your lifetime by the inner learning creature, the playful spiritual being that is your real self.-Richard Bach

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