
The left hand just feels better

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I just got a message from a friend that asked if there was a crazy left handed jumper club. So far the only person I know that jumps exclusively left handed is me.

I made 40 skydives on student/rental gear with a right pull. After that I was done with struggling to pull right handed. I am a very left handed person. Most days it doesn't seem like my brain even connects to my right hand.

Both my skydiving and BASE jumping rigs are left handed BOC with emergency handles not moved, and I usually get a very funny response when people notice.

Anyway, does anyone else jump exclusively left handed? I know a few that switched it after an injury, but I know I can't be the only one who did this just because it feels better.
"I reject your reality and substitute my own" ~Adam Savage

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Hey, I did search...not too thoroughly , but I did search! And that thread is older than my jumping career.

Besides, I'm not really talking about switching to left handed, just always being left handed.... I feel lonely pulling left with no cool injury story to go with it.
"I reject your reality and substitute my own" ~Adam Savage

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I'm curious about something... Why is it so hard for to use right hand to pull? especially if that is what one is trained with using.. In my experience playing musical instruments, both hands are utilized, both right and left, and I have had no problem *other than percussion* with using my left hand *i'm right handed*.
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well, let me put it this way...

When I'm driving (in the U.S. :)
In my training videos my pulls are extremely awkward and lazy even though I was making a conscience effort to pull as hard as could. Got my first rig switched to left and not once tried to pull right.

From the very beginning I was naturally doing practice pulls on the ground with my left, I never did it in the sky, but I got laughed at a lot when I was on the table reaching with my left on my first few "run throughs".

"I reject your reality and substitute my own" ~Adam Savage

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>>I feel lonely pulling left with no cool injury story to go with it.

Just revel in being in your right mind!

hehehehe I suspect that went over everybody's heads.

Not everyones
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