
STDs on your dz

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OK, it's late at night, and we ARE in Bonfire.

We have standards at our DZ. They may be really, really, low, but we have 'em

Wendy W.

I think that went over my head, but what I'm saying is its not a 'dropzone' problem, its a sexual problem. People don't have sex on the runway (um..well, not at noon) but they can hook up later. People meet at church but they don't do it there, but they hook up later...

I've seen more loose-booty at the office Christmas party than at dropzones (and by people that should KNOW better!) ~~April

Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

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Even though I am very open about having AIDS, I would sue your freaking ass into the bowels of hell if you were to go around telling others who are not aware of my illness of what I have. Besides, I don't spread it as there are no women who are interested in a guy with AIDS. If,by chance, I were to meet a woman interested in me, I would tell her.

I'm sorry but, is it illegal to tell someone that someone else has a disease? :S

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STD is also an abbreviation for standard... That's all. I said it was late.

Sexually transmitted diseases not being disclosed is not cool.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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STD is also an abbreviation for standard... That's all. I said it was late.

Sexually transmitted diseases not being disclosed is not cool.

And those MIL-STD's are the worst![:/]
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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If someone had STD's and.....

Easy, no-brainer... If someone's chest strap wasn't looped right or there leg straps were on wrong would you pull them aside and tell them?????

Same thing

You could potentially be changing an outcome that wasn't desired.

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STD is also an abbreviation for standard...

It's also no longer the standard for discussing what we are talking about. They've been officially referred to as STI's for about 5 years now.

"If you end up in an alligator's jaws, naked, you probably did something to deserve it."

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I'm sorry but, is it illegal to tell someone that someone else has a disease?

I am not sure about other illnesses but, I do know about HIV/AIDS and yes it is illegal.
From a legal website;
HIV/AIDS Status. Unlike "test results," "status" is any reference that you are living with HIV/ AIDS -- it does not have to be a piece of paper listing your HIV-positive test result. Your rights may be violated if another person discloses your HIV/AIDS status to other people without your consent. Each case is different.If someone else discloses your HIV/AIDS status or HIV test results, you may be able to sue for damages including psychological harm, depression, and damage to your reputation. If you know someone who is telling other people that you have HIV/AIDS or disclosing your HIV test results withoutyour consent, it is best to consult with an attorney (see the Resources chapter for phone numbers).
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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Even though I am very open about having AIDS, I would sue your freaking ass into the bowels of hell if you were to go around telling others who are not aware of my illness of what I have. Besides, I don't spread it as there are no women who are interested in a guy with AIDS. If,by chance, I were to meet a woman interested in me, I would tell her.

First unless I am somehow in a position where I would be obliged to respect confidentiality (your doctor or someone who for professional reasons needs to know that you have it) I suspect you would have a hard time suing me for repeating something that I am aware of. That said if I knew you as a person my decison to respect your confidentiality would depend on what I thought of your character. I say this because I know guys who have bragged about having sex with girls in bars while having STD's (not HIV but chlamydia the clap ...etc) so I am perfectly aware that there are some people who are remoresless when it comes to their sexual gratification. So if I kew you as a good freind and I knew you were a responsible person who would never dream of endangering someone by withholding info then I would mind my own business. If I did not know you personally or if I knew you were the kind of guy that I described above then I would make sure to let a freind know if I saw you getting flirty. I would not apologie for that.
My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.

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If I did not know you personally or if I knew you were the kind of guy that I described above then I would make sure to let a freind know if I saw you getting flirty. I would not apologie for that.

Barring the type of person who is knowingly passing HIV or did not disclose to someone he or she just had sex with, you would not be within your right to disclose anothers HIV status. see post stating the legal status .
You would not have first person knowledge of the conversation that might had taken place before the two had relations. The vast majority of those living with HIV/AIDS in this country are not the ones spreading HIV. There are those who do knowingly pass it and there are laws to convict them for doing so. Yet, most transmission, more than 40,000 new cases a year, are now passed by those who were not aware that they were even infected. A growing number are passed by cheating spouses. If you have a friend who is cheating on his wife would you run and tell her that your buddy is screwing around on her? If no, why not? He has just put her in danger of contracting HIV! By outing him as a cheater you may have potentially saved her life!
That aside, I would, without doubt, sue you if you were to go around telling others, who are not aware, of my status. The only person who has the right to disclose is the person infected. No one else.
Besides, if you have friends who find enjoyment infecting others, maybe you should find a higher class of friends.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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Barring the type of person who is knowingly passing HIV or did not disclose to someone he or she just had sex with, you would not be within your right to disclose anothers HIV status. see post stating the legal status .You would not have first person knowledge of the conversation that might had taken place before the two had relations. The vast majority of those living with HIV/AIDS in this country are not the ones spreading HIV. There are those who do knowingly pass it and there are laws to convict them for doing so. .

I have heard different about how the law operates on this but then the laws in Canada may differ in that respect in the US. Perhaps one of the lawyers on this forum could clear this up. I have a hard time beleiving that a court could penalize a person who acted in what they beleived was good faith with the intention of preventing harm.


The only person who has the right to disclose is the person infected. No one else

In most cases I would agree but there would be situations where I beleive a peson has a moral obligation to inform someone about potential danger. If I feel that someone will harm someone (again it depends on the person) I care about I am not going to keep my mouth quiet. What if someone you knew to be both infected and irresponsible was dating someone in your family. Would you let this person you knew to be willing to endanger others harm someone you cared about because of an overwhelming dedication to this guys privacy? What if it was your sister? Your daughter? I would not.


Besides, if you have friends who find enjoyment infecting others, maybe you should find a higher class of friends.

Nice try there sunshine. I never said freinds. I simply said I have known people who have bragged about it. Does knowing someone automatically make that person your freind? I spent many years in lower wage jobs and ran across all sorts on construction sites. Random chit chat occurs and I have on occasions heard people talk about their exploits (not sure why they thought any of us cared to hear it). I never at any point chose to associate with these guys. Should I have quit my job to avoid these people? You are personalizing this issue when you don't need to.
My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.

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Hey, Walt, I realized that I miss posted a reply after an pm from Lisa. If I knew for fact that someone was carelessly spreading an illness, then yes, intrevention is in order. On the otherhand, if someone were to go telling others of my status, even though I am not doing anything, then yes, I would take some sort of action towards them. Most likely I would just pull them aside and let it be known to them that one more word from their mouth and they could expect a legal action against them.
My personal info is just that, my personal info. Yet, I do agree that if I were acting in a reckless manner, everyone has the right to be protected from me.

Speaking for the older set, we don't do as much dating or hooking up as we used to back thirty years ago (when we did everything and nobody had ever heard of AIDS). Nowadays I don't know about any of our friends who have HIV, but I do have at least three friends with C hepatitis. They all talk about it rather openly among themselves, comparing therapies and which of the drugs kick their butts and so on. But we're all a monogamous bunch by now. I wouldn't tell anyone about their hep status unless they were a bloody mess after an accident and needed medical attention. Of course responders are supposed to use safeguards for blood born pathogens as a standard procedure anyway.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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LOL!!!! If people are dumb enough to sleep around unprotected then they deserve to get an STD. People that have STD's and don't tell their partner deserve to have there genatials set on fire or worse!!!!B|B|[:/]

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Yuck . I think I would have to say mine would be a combination of these two by LisaH and kordson .
Absolutely. And I have.

It was a hard decision to make. But it was a good one that I don't regret.

Edited to add: It was a one on one situation. I didn't announce it to the entire dz. It remained private.

Now... if I strongly suspected someone of having multiple relationships with an STD and not taking precautions. I would have a chat with that person directly. First if they did not care or do something to correct the situation than it would be the only right thing left to do to inform the people they are putting at risk .
Who is picking up the tab for all of this ?

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good thread,

I have a question, if someone is sleeping around but using precautions would you still tell? Example, The guy has the STD, but using a condom. The Girl doesn't know about the STD.

Condoms have been known to fail.
Be yourself!

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good thread,

I have a question, if someone is sleeping around but using precautions would you still tell? Example, The guy has the STD, but using a condom. The Girl doesn't know about the STD.

Condoms have been known to fail.

And don't provide full protection against the viral infections well.

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I'm sorry but, is it illegal to tell someone that someone else has a disease? :S

Only if the person doing the telling is the infected's attending physician . Doing so without the consent of the infected patient .
On the other side of the coin , it is illegal to not inform a partner that you are infected . Especially when the infection is HIV . Some states will even charge the infected person if they are spreading it without informing partners with anything from reckless endangerment to endangering one's welfare to attempted murder in some cases in New York , if someone is knowingly , or even possibly spreading HIV without informing the partners they have had relations with .
Who is picking up the tab for all of this ?

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If someone had STD's and.....

Easy, no-brainer... If someone's chest strap wasn't looped right or there leg straps were on wrong would you pull them aside and tell them?????

Same thing

You could potentially be changing an outcome that wasn't desired.

Great way to put it . Good Metaphor .

good thread,

I have a question, if someone is sleeping around but using precautions would you still tell? Example, The guy has the STD, but using a condom. The Girl doesn't know about the STD.

They are still morally and should be legally obligated to inform the partners . As no protection ,as stated above is 100% certain . The uninfected partner has the right to know all the risks involved even with so called protection in place .
Who is picking up the tab for all of this ?

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I say make a documentary about it. Keep track of who sleeps with who and kep an ever expanding "family tree" like chart. Even more interesting to see how many branches cross more than once.;)


:D:D:D:D;) Great advice and tips thanks you for the input , with this sort of info added I could also pen one of those tell-all bios . ;):D:D:D
Put Madonna's and Dennis Rodman's tell-all at the bottom of the totem pole and sales history charts .
May come back for more advice from you . :D;)
Who is picking up the tab for all of this ?

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