
Hooray! I found a used rig!!

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*does the happy dance*

The frustration over not finding the right used rig was such that I was *this* close to caving in and getting new gear. Every argument that the experienced hot-shots gave for staying away from new gear, I had an answer for...

"You'll downsize in a couple hundred jumps anyway."
Then I'll make sure to buy a container that can safely fit the next size smaller canopy.

"You'll be paranoid about scuffing it, and you will scuff it 'cause you're still inexperienced."
Eh, who cares. I'll get a black one so it looks less dirty than it is!

"You'll lose a lot of money when you re-sell it."
But the kind of canopy I want is so popular that it sells for just a few hundred less than new!

"You're better off spending the extra money on jumps and tunnel time!"
But the money I'm saving on gear rental will go toward more jumps!

But then the ad stared me straight in the face. A container sized for my dimensions, equipped with the exact same make & model of canopy that I'd been using for the majority of my coach jumps. It was pricey, but thousands less than a new package. Heck, I even liked the colors. And it has a Cypres with many years of use left. And an RSL (of course). And the timing was perfect...got the much-anticipated "A" stamp the weekend before last.

So now the temptation to buy new gear is completely gone, and replaced by the temptation to buy lots of jumps. And of course, beer! The moral of the story is: if you're looking for a first rig and are frustrated about not finding the right used one, hang in there. :)

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Good for you! Patence is truly a virtue. I personally think used everything makes sense. About the only thing I wear on a jump that hasn't been owned previously is my underwear.
Lord, let me be the person my dog thinks I am.

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Good for you! Patence is truly a virtue. I personally think used everything makes sense. About the only thing I wear on a jump that hasn't been owned previously is my underwear.

I bought new gear, myself ;)

No regrets. :)

My mighty steed

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Yeah, I didn't say buy locally though. Im all for supporting British trade but not when it comes to skydiving. >:(

I actually only have new container, that was my treat, the rest I have sourced or will continue to source second hand. :)

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