
what is the best jump Airplane

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a bit tighter... I'm not very wide, don't need a large one. :|

Yeah, but you don't want to bang your head in the door on exit either...
Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet.


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Beech 18 or DC-3.

Maybe for nostalgia.:S

I hope to never fly on a slow climbing, ground loving, small doored, fast burning, Twin Beech again.:P

I do love a DC-3. Takes me back to my teen age years.B|

Favorite jump ship? Maybe those Russian MI-8 helos with the tailgates we were jumping from in Acapulco. You have the helicopter, the tailgate, and over 2 dozen jumpers carried with a good rate of climb. It must of been expensive to run those things, but the Mexican Navy was footing the bill.

For jump planes where economics have to be considered, it's hard to beat a Caravan. Single turboprop, built like a pickup truck, hauls over a dozen jumpers to 13+ with reasonable alacrity. I could be happy jumping the rest of my life out of "just" Cessna Caravans. B|

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Not for nostalgia...because they are COOL! B|

I think they're cooler for the pilots than the jumpers. Taildraggers with big round engines and a fistful of throttle quadrant have a very macho appeal for the pilots. For me, it's just a long ass ride, small door, and a ringing in my ears when I land.:D

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C-130's are cool but a bit noisey
C-141's are mostly retired (LIKE ME!)
C-5's are bit but "lumbersome"
But the C-17 that is the shit! you can repack and Dirt dive then gear up and jump in comfort! Just tell the crew to slow down so you have a chance to pack.

5 minutes from TO to Green at 18K.
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C-130's are cool but a bit noisey
C-141's are mostly retired (LIKE ME!)
C-5's are bit but "lumbersome"
But the C-17 that is the shit! you can repack and Dirt dive then gear up and jump in comfort! Just tell the crew to slow down so you have a chance to pack.

5 minutes from TO to Green at 18K.

For those of you not in the military, I kind of fell in love with the PAC750XL. It is the only aircraft designed specifically for skydivers. Since they are all new, they cost quite a bit though. Has anyone tried to convince Oprah to start a new charity "Jumpplanes for Dropzones" yet?
"There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss."
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Whatever your favorite DZ has.

Most would say Otter, some will say Caravan...

Many here will say AN-2.

choice between otter, caravan and CASA ....CASA everytime!

YEP YEP.... CASA ... next best thAng to a Herc, or C17, I do like the PAC, (great rate up) But at a boogie with a fleet and if the CASAs are there, I will jump them 99% of my jumps.... :DD

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Of course you have to watch out for the fluids on the ramp of the 53.

The PAC is an great A/C put it in the line up at a DZ with a Casa and you have a skydivers heaven (minus the self packing chutes of course).
An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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